Rich H wrote:I thought the same but it's easy to 'tempt' the players into taking a permanent Shadow point by offering a few more Craftsmanship points - perhaps 3, maybe even a little more.
Hmm.. Well that just makes you accomplish it faster, and then in that case, you got less chances for a Gandalf, which is the reason you took the Shadow to begin with - I mean, I'd rather just wait and do it with successes or even exp, since I can just grab more of that later. But that Shadow point... My personal thought was, maybe keep it Permanent, still 1 point, but have obsession not restrict you from other undertakings - instead, maybe it ups the TN for appropriate common skills - for example, Awareness, social stuff, riddle - kind of to reflect you being completely distracted and thinking of something else. Then you can still stretch it out and hope for that Gandalf.
Alternatively, keep the whole thing with the permanent points, but maybe the Gandalf requirement is lowered every new Undertaking - so if you last like 5 Undertakings, still not be done, you only need to roll a 6 or more. Have it lower by one. Though... I am iffy on this, because Gandalf rune is iconic and it feels like diluting it... But depending on it when you spent a perma shadow on that chance is sad.
Rich H wrote:I actually think it's better for starting characters, or more accurately characters with lower weapon skill ratings. Someone with 4 or more in a skill isn't going to really need that reroll, as their total will likely be high enough to hit the TN or they'll have the required success for a called shot, but for someone with just a 2 or 3 in the skill - that could make lots of difference for them.
The only person who has over 4 dice on a weapon is our archer... She runs around with that Greatbow, which she maxed out with Fell, Grievous, and its already that bow the Woodsmen have, so she ends up doing ridiculous levels of damage - and she bought all 6 weapon levels. So to her, she probably would have gotten this if she could, instead of Grievous, since if she gets a called shot, very little survives. Apart from that, the only thing is, both Valor and Weapon are earned with Exp, so its an overlap. Though, if they have enough dice already, it's probably more worth it to get something like Keen, Grievous, or Fell since they're all pretty great... Or another Reward!
Falenthal wrote:Maybe the Dwarf-wrought Quality is so low as to not stack too high with other Rewards and Vitures that also add to Tolerance (Beorning's Noble Armour, Lake-towner's Trader's Savvy,...).
My problem was really just that a man-made item that is recent is better than an old enchantment made by dwarves - purely a lore thing. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe lore needs to step back anyway since the dwarven thing is available to everyone.