Rohirrim as adventurers

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Re: Rohirrim as adventurers

Post by zedturtle » Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:11 pm

DylanRPG wrote:It is in my view a Lore-master's job to ensure that the characters at his table are useful. A Rohir should be put in situations where they can use their horse-specific abilities, a character with tunneling should occasionally find themselves underground, and so on. Pre-made adventures can be adapted, and adventures built from the ground up should be done so with the characters at the table in mind.
I generally agree with this, but also feel the opposite is true... a Horse-lord needs to fight in a narrow tunnel on occasion, a Dwarf needs to be trekking across an endless plain, etc. Characters should certainly have a chance to shine, but they also should be challenged.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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