Name: Medelon, of Stanshelf
Culture: Dunlending
Standard of Living: Frugal
Cultural blessing: Fierce Folk
Calling: Warden
Shadow weakness: Lure of Power
Specialties: Beast-lore, Story-telling, Shadow-lore
Distinctive features: Hardened, Wilful
Body: 4
Heart: 4
Wits: 5
Body (favoured): 7
Heart (favoured): 6
Wits (favoured): 6
-Common Skills-- Awe: 2 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 0
- Athletics: 3 Travel: 2 Stealth: 2
- Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 1
- Explore: 2 Healing: 1 Hunting: 3
- Song: 1 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 2
- Craft: 1 Battle: 1 Lore: 0
-Weapon Skills- -Rewards-: Heart-Seeker, Cunning Make (applied to the Chainmail Armour)
-Virtues-: Wild Onset
-Gear-- Spear damage: 5 edge: 9 injury: 14 enc: 2
- Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
- Mail shirt enc: 10
- Shield enc: 3
Endurance: 24
Starting Endurance: 24
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 15
Fatigue from Travel: 0
Total Fatigue: 15
Hope: 10
Starting Hope: 10
Temporary Shadow: 0
Permanent Shadow: 0
Total Shadow: 0
Armour: 3
Headgear: 0
Parry: 5
Shield: 2
Damage: 0
Ranged: 0
Wisdom: 2
Valour: 3
Medelon belongs to the Wulfings, the mixed-dunleding folk of Stanshelf. A faction within the clan value their rohir ascendence above that of the dunledings, and struggle to be considered one with the Horse-lords. Up to now, the King in the Golden Hall has not answered to their pleas for recognition.
Medelon tries to imitate as much as possible those rohirrim he sometimes meets in the Gap of Rohan, where he travels as much as possible, considering himself an errand knight that protects the borders of his realm. [Has Awe as favourite, as all rohirrim; Wild Onset Virtue imitates Fey Mood; uses a Spear, a Shield and a Chain Mail; the two Specialties are the ones in common with the Rohirrim; Trait Wilful ressembles Reckless, the common Trait of all rohirrim; has increased all Common Skills that have high starting points in the Rohirrim Culture]
His chainmail and shield have the white horse painted on them, and Mendelon hunts orcs and even rogue dunledings that threaten the western borders of the Riddermark. But even after this years of unasked service to Rohan, the Horse-lords still consider him an untrusty dunleding.
It was Saruman the Wise, counselour and friend of King Thengel, who approached Mendelon. The old sage told him that by lending a hand in the Wizard's plans, and proving his value, he would gain a friend who could speak on behalf of him and the folk of Stanshelf in the Riddermark's King Court. Mendelon trusts the words of Saruman, and sees the logic in them.
After all this time of ungrateful service to the Mark, Mendelon's subconsciouss begins to hold a grudge against the aloof Horse-lords he is not aware of. But Saruman can see deeper than anyone in the people's souls...
Note: I imagine Mendellon as a sort of lonely errand knight. Being a dunleding, the game gives no chance of owning a horse outside of gaining it in the Adventure phase. It would suit Mendellon to have one, although it could also be one of his goals in live, a reward Saruman has promised him if he works for the Wizard.
Also, Mendellon has high ideals of his own making, but a certain rigidness is beginning to grow inside, as his desires clash with the reality of his people.
When fighting, he always chooses a Forward Stance, profitting from the higher damage output (Wild Onset) and his high Parry (Wits 5 + Shield 2).