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Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:47 pm
by Laurefindel
Just saw the first page of the table of content at EN World.
people's predictions look about right; 11 races = 6 basic heroic cultures (beornings, bardings, woodsmen, elves of mirkwood, dwarves of erebor, hobbits) plus men of the lake, men of bree, dunedain, men of rohan and men of minas tirith (no high elves or dunlandings)
6 classes are the basic five (treasure hunter, scholar, slayer, wanderer and warden) plus the leader, with two archetypes each (except for warden which has three). My guess is that these, like races, supersede the those of the 5e PHB.
There's and entry for masteries and cultural virtues (replacing feats?). No entry about rewards on this page, perhaps on the second one (which we can't see)?
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:48 pm
by fjw70
Glorelendil wrote:In the early 90's I thought I was done with gaming and gave my entire collection to an FLGS (thinking that they could probably benefit from selling it off). I lost some gems...MERP stuff, TSR modules, Traveler...a bunch of things. I wish I could get it all back.
I did the same thing in the late 80s. Also lost a lot of MERPO stuff even though I didn't play MERP (okay I played it once but it was a short session).
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:37 pm
by Beran
Laurefindel wrote:Just saw the first page of the table of content at EN World.
people's predictions look about right; 11 races = 6 basic heroic cultures (beornings, bardings, woodsmen, elves of mirkwood, dwarves of erebor, hobbits) plus men of the lake, men of bree, dunedain, men of rohan and men of minas tirith (no high elves or dunlandings)
6 classes are the basic five (treasure hunter, scholar, slayer, wanderer and warden) plus the leader, with two archetypes each (except for warden which has three). My guess is that these, like races, supersede the those of the 5e PHB.
There's and entry for masteries and cultural virtues (replacing feats?). No entry about rewards on this page, perhaps on the second one (which we can't see)?
Yep. I am liking what I am seeing so far. Particularly, no Magic Users...we are off to a good start.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:47 pm
by Glorelendil
Beran wrote:
Yep. I am liking what I am seeing so far. Particularly, no Magic Users...we are off to a good start.
C7 was off to a good start years ago. No surprises here.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:52 pm
by aramis
Rich H wrote:aramis wrote:100? Yeah, sounds about right. 20 years ago I had 60 linear feet... and it's grown since.
I don't know if you share the same feelings as me but I do look at my hardcopy RPG collection and think mostly it's just a big waste of money. I can't bring myself to part with it but I just have too much to the point where I think I suffer from 'option paralysis'; because I have so many different games, even in the same genre, I don't know what to run and I'm scared (perhaps too strong a word) of running one in case its not as good as another option! Crazy.
Some of it, yes, some, no.
I've gotten to the point where I try not to buy new dead tree except for stuff likely to retain collection values. On the other hand, I bought a lot of stuff for < $5 just for a "read once and get ideas" use mode.
My boardgames are also a large issue; some of them are counted in the RPG because they have direct RPG tie-ins (Battletech/Battlespace/Mechwarrior, Renegade Legion, Star Warriors/SWMB/SWd6).
A lot of it I enjoy rereading, even tho I'll never PLAY it again. Some of it, however, I want to play again. I've like 3 cu ft of L5R, spanning editions 1-3. I'm currently running a 3rd ed L5R game.
On the other hand, I'm in the process of a 1500 air-mile move - and shipping books gets expensive. I want my Star Wars stuff (both d6 and FFG), but until the folk's house doesn't leak.... (Moved to drive my elderly parents to/from store and appointments. New roof is a requirement, and in the schedule. My wife and kids remain in my old location... So my games can stay put for the time being. And some don't move until the wife does.) So far, cheapest by the pound is USPS medium flat rate boxes... because they can hold the most books for the least money, and the box itself is free. (Hint: Saran wrap the books before boxing - just in case.)
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:35 pm
by Majestic
Rich H wrote:Majestic wrote:My only concern with this is whether to put it on the shelf with all of my other Middle-earth gaming materials, or whether to put it next to all of my 5E stuff.
I can appreciate that problem. Having considered this the best option would be to, assuming you can, reorganise your shelf so that TOR was at one end, 5e the other, and then put AiME products
in the middle. That would be perfect.
No need to thank me. You're welcome.
#SocietyOfCDOSolutions (I like to put the acronym in its proper alphabetical order)
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:11 am
by Ferretz
One question about the Adventures in Middle Earth player's book: if it is a player's book, will it include monsters/enemies at all? Being a new rules system for the setting, it would be very useful.
Listening to an interview from GenCon, we now know that there will be a Loremasters Guide, and then all of the books will be converted into D&D5th rules. Which is good, I think.
But is Adventures in Middle Earth useable by itself without a Loremasters Guide?
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:47 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Ferretz wrote:One question about the Adventures in Middle Earth player's book: if it is a player's book, will it include monsters/enemies at all? Being a new rules system for the setting, it would be very useful.
Listening to an interview from GenCon, we now know that there will be a Loremasters Guide, and then all of the books will be converted into D&D5th rules. Which is good, I think.
But is Adventures in Middle Earth useable by itself without a Loremasters Guide?
This scan reveals the Contents pages from the
AiMe Player's Guide:
It looks as though Monsters and Adversaries are reserved for the
Loremaster's Guide (to be supplemented by future releases). I would guess that Loremasters will want/need the LMG to run AiMe.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:58 pm
by Glorelendil
I'm jonesing to play the game, but honestly I'd rather wait another month or two rather than have them use a hack like putting what clearly is LM content in the players' guide.
But maybe they'll release a free PDF with a handful of low-level monsters. Or even Marsh Bell.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:17 pm
by Ferretz
Hmm.. no monsters in the book? I'm not too familiar with D&D 5th edition Monster Manual, but I guess the orcs and goblins there are too different to suitable for Middle Earth.
Anyone here familiar with the Monster Manual from 5th edition?