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Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:41 am
by Mars77
Otaku-sempai wrote:Mars77 wrote:Will Adventures in Middle Earth allow for use of D&D monetary system of gold, silver, copper pieces etc? Guess what I am getting at will the Middle-earth appropriate arms and armor have prices. Thanks
Silver pieces and below should be the standard currency for a Third Age Middle-earth setting, seeing as how Bill the Pony was purchased for twelve silver pennies. Gold coins are for Lords, Ladies and merchant-princes. The system introduced in the
Lake-town supplement for TOR should be used and expanded upon.
Thank you very much. I never knew that such a supplement was out, adding Loremaster's Screen and Lake-Town Sourcebook to my wish list. And that would be great for the new book I hope they have that system available even if it is optional.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:03 am
by fjw70
A little more info through Twitter
@cubicle7 How compatible will it be the existing published One Ring adventures?
@AJ3v4n5 We'll be doing the conversion work as part of the game line.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 1:40 pm
by Stormcrow
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:And honestly, I am not sure anyone even has the rights to publish material for anything set before The Hobbit or after LotR after Iron Crown Enterprises lost their license.
The rights include using anything from
The Hobbit and
The Lord of the Rings. That includes the extensive appendices in the latter, which includes a lot of material before and after the two stories.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:05 pm
by Jon Hodgson
Pre-orders for Adventures in Middle-earth are now open! You can find out more, including an FAQ here: ... der-opens/
Or skip straight to the pre-order right now: ... eearth_OGL
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:07 pm
by Glorelendil
And summer hasn't even
started where the stars are strange!
EDIT: Oh this is pure genius:
Will there be stats for Gandalf, and can I kill him?
No. Gandalf is a patron-level NPC. He doesn't need stats. Though we're sure a fan will give him stats if you really, really can't live without them.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:16 pm
by beckett
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:19 pm
by Jon Hodgson
Ghostwriter wrote:Why wait a month before PDF?
I'm content to share a little more detail here - when we released Erebor, and Nick and TS stepped up, without being asked, to work all weekend delivering the PDFs. The amount of abusive mail we received from people demanding their free PDF over the weekend was simply unacceptable. So we're working on new systems. We don't want our people, who work very hard, treated that way. The system of hand delivering PDFs within a working day is generating abuse, so it's changing.
In addition, of course, to the stated reasons - this one has the potential to be
huge, and we want to get a good handle on print numbers, which we can to some degree get a picture of from pre-sales. So we're going live a little earlier than we normally would on this one.
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:23 pm
by ajevans
From the FAQ:
The initial supplements for AME will be conversions of existing TOR material.
Will there be something like a conversion guide for those of us who already have all the existing TOR material?
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:24 pm
by Glorelendil
Jon Hodgson wrote:Ghostwriter wrote:Why wait a month before PDF?
I'm content to share a little more detail here - when we released Erebor, and Nick and TS stepped up, without being asked, to work all weekend delivering the PDFs.
The amount of abusive mail we received from people demanding their free PDF over the weekend was simply unacceptable. So we're working on new systems. We don't want our people, who work very hard, treated that way. The system of hand delivering PDFs within a working day is generating abuse, so it's changing.
In addition, of course, to the stated reasons - this one has the potential to be
huge, and we want to get a good handle on print numbers, which we can to some degree get a picture of from pre-sales. So we're going live a little earlier than we normally would on this one.
I generally think of gamers as a pretty nice bunch, so it always dismays me when they treat the folks at tiny little RPG publishers...or even the decent, hard-working people at Wizards of the Coast...badly. I don't understand where the entitlement and petulance come from. Save the ire for Verizon and Comcast!
Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:31 pm
by Adhemar
Glorelendil wrote: I generally think of gamers as a pretty nice bunch, so it always dismays me when they treat the folks at tiny little RPG publishers...or even the decent, hard-working people at Wizards of the Coast...badly. I don't understand where the entitlement and petulance come from. Save the ire for Verizon and Comcast!
100% agreed.