Re: More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:37 pm
Most of you lot are very nice people indeed.
Exciting news! My fingers are still crossed for a follow-up campaign book to Darkening of Mirkwood, following the dwarves who attempted to reclaim Moria......The Adventurer's Companion and Oaths of the Riddermark are both coming along very nicely. Along with some TOR releases we've not even mentioned yet...
Surely you can...Jon Hodgson wrote:Must... not... tease... any... further
Me neither. We can all be arseholes every now and then but when you've just ordered something and then demand you get the pdf, and throw in some abuse for good measure, it's simply unacceptable. Personally, I'd have cancelled peoples' orders that did that. I wouldn't want their custom.Glorelendil wrote:I generally think of gamers as a pretty nice bunch, so it always dismays me when they treat the folks at tiny little RPG publishers...or even the decent, hard-working people at Wizards of the Coast...badly. I don't understand where the entitlement and petulance come from.Jon Hodgson wrote:I'm content to share a little more detail here - when we released Erebor, and Nick and TS stepped up, without being asked, to work all weekend delivering the PDFs. The amount of abusive mail we received from people demanding their free PDF over the weekend was simply unacceptable. So we're working on new systems.Ghostwriter wrote:Why wait a month before PDF?
"Let's see, I'm already drunk and stoned, do I *really* need that gram....?"Rich H wrote:I'm not sure whether I want to order this or not... I'm definitely curious but it isn't something I really need as I have TOR. Hmmmm.
You're not the least bit curious?Rich H wrote:I'm not sure whether I want to order this or not... I'm definitely curious but it isn't something I really need as I have TOR. Hmmmm.
Hmmm, I wonder whether I'll be able to communicate what I mean when I say this. Of course we want everyone to buy everything we do. Mortgages gotta get paid, and working in gaming isn't the path to personal riches for most of us.Rich H wrote:I'm not sure whether I want to order this or not... I'm definitely curious but it isn't something I really need as I have TOR. Hmmmm.