More information on "Adventures in Middle-earth"
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:54 pm
Hi All!
You can find out more about our plans for OGL Middle-earth here: ... ming-soon/
(Please note we'll be opening a dedicated Adventures in Middle-earth forum soon, to keep this one purely for TOR, but I thought you might like to know about the announcement)
You can find out more about our plans for OGL Middle-earth here: ... ming-soon/
(Please note we'll be opening a dedicated Adventures in Middle-earth forum soon, to keep this one purely for TOR, but I thought you might like to know about the announcement)
Adventures in Middle-earth™ is our brand new range of setting supplements for Middle-earth gaming using the OGL.
Cubicle 7 and Sophisticated Games achieved huge success and numerous awards with our The One Ring™ Middle-earth Roleplaying Game. Renowned for evocative rules and high production values, it is one of our most popular games.
Dominic Mcdowall, Cubicle 7 CEO:
"When the OGL was announced for 5th Edition, we knew we had to embark on a new quest. We have so much incredible material for The One Ring, and have answered so many of the questions posed by how to make a superlative, highly playable game set in Middle-earth, that we want to share with an even wider audience.
So it was that Adventures in Middle-earth™ was born: 5th Edition OGL rules, Middle-earth setting. For the first time in roleplaying history these two greats are coming together, and we're immensely proud to be the ones to do it.
The first release will be Adventures in Middle-earth Player's Guide, which will be available in print in the Autumn. As usual, the PDF will be available much sooner, and we'll have some preview copies of the game to peruse at GenCon."
Adventures in Middle-earth Player's Guide offers new races, classes, backgrounds and virtues, allowing you to create Middle-earth themed characters. It supplies new rules for Journeys, so much at the heart of Middle-earth stories. We add a system for tracking Corruption in the face of The Shadow, and introduce The Fellowship Phase, which gives players a chance to proactively describe what their characters are doing between adventures and build their story. There are also rules for Audiences, facilitating encounters between the great and the good of Middle-earth and your characters.
What's in the Adventures in Middle-earth Player's Guide?
• 11 Middle-earth specific playable Cultures
• 6 New and unique Classes
• 13 New Backgrounds custom-made for Middle-earth
• Middle-earth appropriate arms and armour
• Unique Journey rules
• New rules for Corruption
• New Audience rules
• The Fellowship Phase
• Middle-earth maps (as the end papers) for Players and Loremasters
Doubtless everyone will have lots of questions: We'll be giving you more detail on each of these sections in upcoming updates.
Adventures in Middle-earth is an exceptional release for us, and we're changing the way we do things slightly for this initial pre-order. Normally we release the PDF when we put the pre-order live, and shortly after that the game goes off to print. For Adventures in Middle-earth Player's Guide we need to get a handle on just how many we should print. We suspect this will be a huge release for us, and we don't want to under print.
We also want to be able to supply the PDFs in a measured, effective way. Some of our recent releases have been so popular, we've been rushed off our feet supplying PDFs by hand.
The pre-order for Adventures in Middle-earth will open, run for a month or so, and then the PDF will be released to everyone who has pre-ordered. The print version will follow quickly after.
Pre-orders for Adventures in Middle-earth opens this week.
The One Ring Roleplaying Game is one of our most successful and popular game lines. We will be continuing fully support The One Ring in the coming years, with plenty of new supplements in the works. The One Ring Roleplaying Game is not going away, and releases will not be slowed down by Adventures in Middle-earth.