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Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:16 pm
by uhu79
I stumbled across the following in my recent re-read of the core rulebook, page 268.
Woodmen of all ages search for fish among the eddies
of the Dusky River with bow, spear, net or line, as its
waters are still considered wholesome this far from the
foulest depths of the forest. They also wash the gravel
of its shallows looking for gold, brought here by the
waters of the river from the roots of the mountains to the
The last sentence I must have overread previously as I didn't envision the Woodmen panning gold. Ever. Immediately I thought that should be made an Undertaking for the Fellowship Phase. Wouldn't that be a nice one - especially for Treasure Hunters? And a chance to get some shadow. :twisted:

Unfortunately I don't have any Treasure Hunters in the party I am LMing for. Would also be a precious reward for a PC - a Holding with some great potential.

Has anyone used this little facet already in their gaming? Made some story hook around it? Like a gold rush in Woodland Hall drawing attention from all the folks south of Rhosgobel that used to serve the Necromancer...

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:26 pm
by Glorelendil
A great twist could be that there's no gold rush, just a rumor spread for ulterior motives (Saruman? Viglund? Sauron?). Not sure what the real purpose could be, but it would make for a really great mystery to solve.

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:33 pm
by uhu79
Spoiler Alert for Darkening Campaign

Yes, good idea! Especially if Mogdred was accepted by the Woodmen earlier and is now supporting them. Such a rumor, spread amongst Mogrdeds people, could mean a devastating blow to his forces, leaving Tyrant's Hill pretty exposed.

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:11 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Even isolated cultures have often historically valued gold for decorative purposes due to its appearance, malleability and resistance to tarnish. Add to that its trade value and the potential influences of agents of Shadow, spreading greed and corruption, and I can see a gold rush taking place. Once word gets out, the Woodmen might also have to deal with an influx of unwelcome strangers trying to strike it rich on their own or by preying on others.

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:36 pm
by Glorelendil
1) Create rumor of gold in the Anduin.
2) Send your agents to pretend to be gold prospectors.
3) Steal the Lamp.
4) Profit.

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:53 am
by Wbweather
Otaku-sempai wrote:Even isolated cultures have often historically valued gold for decorative purposes due to its appearance, malleability and resistance to tarnish. Add to that its trade value and the potential influences of agents of Shadow, spreading greed and corruption, and I can see a gold rush taking place. Once word gets out, the Woodmen might also have to deal with an influx of unwelcome strangers trying to strike it rich on their own or by preying on others.
It would be like Deadwood, only in Mirkwood.

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:57 am
by Otaku-sempai
Wbweather wrote:It would be like Deadwood, only in Mirkwood.
That may have very well influenced my thinking. The Heroes need to speak with Chieftain Swearington!

Re: Gold Rush in Woodland Hall?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:57 am
by Otaku-sempai
Wbweather wrote:It would be like Deadwood, only in Mirkwood.
That may have very well influenced my thinking. The Heroes need to speak with Chieftain Swearington!