Good Luck Mr Kenrick!
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:49 pm
Think this is worth posting here:
All the best,
Just wanted to say thank you Andrew for all the amazing work you have done on The One Ring. I really enjoyed my time working with you on Ruins of the North and other stuff as well as Lone Wolf. You have always been incredibly friendly and supportive. I'll really miss you and hope you still post here as a fan rather than C7 rep! I'm sure others will feel the same way.Good Luck Andrew!
Andrew Kenrick, Cubicle 7's managing editor, is departing for pastures new. We're sad for C7 but happy for Andrew that he's secured a place on a prestigious Master of Arts degree in Creative Writing.
We're all going to miss working with Andrew on a daily basis, and we'd like to take this opportunity to wish him all the very best of luck on his course and all his future endeavours. We're sure his name will still pop up in the occasional Cubicle 7 credits page!
Good luck Andrew!
All the best,