Re: The Affairs of Wizards (Campaign Log)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:36 pm
Session 3: On the Road Again
The party has no sooner arrived at Woodland Hall and deposited Baldor and his son safely, along with the trade goods, when they decide to return to deal with the Dark Forest that intruded near the Elf Path. Resting for but a few days to recover their strength (And so the Healer could get rid of his fatigue), they set off immediately back to the Woodland Gate, and hence into the woods. They took advantage of their recent trek to make better plans for travelling this time, but were burdened down by heavier gear, taken in anticipation of the turn of the seasons. While the Healer was again worn down by the journey, the rest of the group had no real problems with the trek. As they approached the section of the Elf-Path that lay within a darker shadow, the Healer was reminded of his previous dream, and sank slightly into a foul mood. (Another failed travel check, and a corruption check).
As the party cast into the ruins, leaving the path behind, they quickly found the source of the corruption, a gaping hole leading down into darkness. Picking their way across a vine strewn clearing, but one where the tall, twisted trees blocked out any trace of the sun, they peered down into the ancient well, where they saw a skeletal figure, spear in hand, wrapped around with thorny, sharp thorned vines and forest detritus. As the figure creaked to its feet, red eyes gleaming in the darkness, the vines themselves snaked into life, as some horrid ... Thing from deep within the well heaved its grotesque bulk upwards, reaching hatefully towards the two legged intruders.
As the Wood Wight crawled from the well, the party steeled their nerves against the wave of revulsion and fear from the horrid Thing. Courage and skill in battle were evidenced as they cried out, weapons gleaming with faint traces of light, and the Wight was dismayed, but the Thing cared not. (Lots of hate loss, but given the Thing, I opted to drain the Wight instead ...), meanwhile the Healer sank his axe deep into the root of one of the tentacles, and the thing was wounded. The Thing then swept the terrible tentacles across the clearing, battering several members of the company.
The fellowship then sprang into action, landing blows on the Thing, and punctuated with an aimed shot from the Bard, which sent the putrid thing squealing as it and its tentacles shuddered and died. The Wight was now left alone, and while it struggled for a time, landing a few blows that tested the armor of our heroes, a burning flask of oil and the combined forces of our heroes eventually led to Glabum the dwarf sinking his axe deep into the Wight, and ending it, while the Healer was as quick with an encouraging word during the battle as with his axe.
As the fellowship caught their breath, and cleaned up the area, making sure the threat was ended, treasure gleamed from the lair of the foul Thing. Glabum recovered a pair of iron nailed marching boots, from some previous dwarven victim, while the Healer found a true treasure, an ancient corselet of thin black plates, flexible and made from some unknown metal. Already grim from his travails, the added weight of the shadow clinging to the item went unnoticed, for now. (Cursed treasure, 1 pt of Shadow that cannot be removed without breaking the curse). The others split the gold and silver between themselves, and the party supervised the burning of the clearing, being careful not to let it spread, but cleansing the ruins of the putrid bulk of the dead Thing and the Wight.
Their primary task completed, the party sent word via the Elves at the Forest Gate back to King Thranduil, and were assured that someone would 'sing the trees back to sleep'. On their way back to the Woodland Hall, they stopped off along the way to track down the massive boar that had threatened Farmann the hunter on their previous trip through the Beorning lands, both to protect the farmers, and to provide for a lavish feast the two Woodsmen were planning, to present the broken axe, Wolfbiter to the Elder Council of Woodland Hall. The beast was quickly dispatched (two wounds in the opening volley via called shots), and heavily laden, but bright of spirit, they returned to Woodland Hall to spend the winter there.
The feast was a great success, and with the profits from their trade goods and gifts, and the return of the axe, both Woodsmen were celebrated as people of worth by the Woodsmen. (The Healer, who started the game with Status 1, bought his up to 2, the Bard bought his to 1, both with the aid of the Field of Combat.)
Meanwhile, Lorrie the Barding, a trader herself, spoke with Baldor and helped set up a holding for continued trade and communication along the Elf Path between the Free Peoples of the North, enlisting the aid of Aurel to help sway the Elf King. Farmann also set up a holding, though unlike those two, went off on his own, founding a Hunting Lodge near Woodland Hall to help provide for it's people, and establish a place for himself.
The Bard spent the remaining winter working with his Hound, training Roach to harry his foes in close combat. The Healer, on the other hand, went seeking answers about The Black Corselet with Radagast, and found both information, and yet more questions from the old Wizard. The armor hailed from the forge of Eol, an ancient name, and not one of good reputation. Radagast knew less than some of the origin of the armor, and recommended seeking out an elf who remembered the Fall of Gondolin, or perhaps Saruman the Wise, ever clever with making and crafting, for more information.
Farmann, Aurel, Glabum and Lonnie all chose to take advantage of their newfound fame as 'followers' of the two recoverers of the Axe, and established Sanctuaries at Woodland Hall and Rhosgobel. Glabum built himself a forge of sorts, but he needed iron to breed iron, and the smithy had a ways to go before he would count himself satisfied with it. (He grabbed a holding, and spent his downtime burning off Shadow).
Lonnie spent her time tending to her new holding, and managed to set up a network to deliver from Woodland Hall to the various smaller thorps and holdings (she got a Gandalf, and improved her holding on the first try). Aurel and Farmann spent their time hunting with the Woodsmen, and helped to keep the burgeoning population of Woodland Hall fed over the winter, though some were already discussing following Amaleoda, the childhood sweetheart of The Healer, in order to expand the reach of the Woodmen deeper into the wood, and relieve the population pressure. Both Woodsmen were given some good natured ribbing from friends and family about getting married, especially given their status and treasure. Lonnie overheard some of this, and got worried that a married Healer (nobody really worried that seriously about the Bard. He's very much a rolling stone) would not be available for adventures with the company, and began a plan to sabotage his courtship. (Leading to a great many out of character jokes about how far 'any means necessary' her plan to scuttle his marriage was).
The party has no sooner arrived at Woodland Hall and deposited Baldor and his son safely, along with the trade goods, when they decide to return to deal with the Dark Forest that intruded near the Elf Path. Resting for but a few days to recover their strength (And so the Healer could get rid of his fatigue), they set off immediately back to the Woodland Gate, and hence into the woods. They took advantage of their recent trek to make better plans for travelling this time, but were burdened down by heavier gear, taken in anticipation of the turn of the seasons. While the Healer was again worn down by the journey, the rest of the group had no real problems with the trek. As they approached the section of the Elf-Path that lay within a darker shadow, the Healer was reminded of his previous dream, and sank slightly into a foul mood. (Another failed travel check, and a corruption check).
As the party cast into the ruins, leaving the path behind, they quickly found the source of the corruption, a gaping hole leading down into darkness. Picking their way across a vine strewn clearing, but one where the tall, twisted trees blocked out any trace of the sun, they peered down into the ancient well, where they saw a skeletal figure, spear in hand, wrapped around with thorny, sharp thorned vines and forest detritus. As the figure creaked to its feet, red eyes gleaming in the darkness, the vines themselves snaked into life, as some horrid ... Thing from deep within the well heaved its grotesque bulk upwards, reaching hatefully towards the two legged intruders.
As the Wood Wight crawled from the well, the party steeled their nerves against the wave of revulsion and fear from the horrid Thing. Courage and skill in battle were evidenced as they cried out, weapons gleaming with faint traces of light, and the Wight was dismayed, but the Thing cared not. (Lots of hate loss, but given the Thing, I opted to drain the Wight instead ...), meanwhile the Healer sank his axe deep into the root of one of the tentacles, and the thing was wounded. The Thing then swept the terrible tentacles across the clearing, battering several members of the company.
The fellowship then sprang into action, landing blows on the Thing, and punctuated with an aimed shot from the Bard, which sent the putrid thing squealing as it and its tentacles shuddered and died. The Wight was now left alone, and while it struggled for a time, landing a few blows that tested the armor of our heroes, a burning flask of oil and the combined forces of our heroes eventually led to Glabum the dwarf sinking his axe deep into the Wight, and ending it, while the Healer was as quick with an encouraging word during the battle as with his axe.
As the fellowship caught their breath, and cleaned up the area, making sure the threat was ended, treasure gleamed from the lair of the foul Thing. Glabum recovered a pair of iron nailed marching boots, from some previous dwarven victim, while the Healer found a true treasure, an ancient corselet of thin black plates, flexible and made from some unknown metal. Already grim from his travails, the added weight of the shadow clinging to the item went unnoticed, for now. (Cursed treasure, 1 pt of Shadow that cannot be removed without breaking the curse). The others split the gold and silver between themselves, and the party supervised the burning of the clearing, being careful not to let it spread, but cleansing the ruins of the putrid bulk of the dead Thing and the Wight.
Their primary task completed, the party sent word via the Elves at the Forest Gate back to King Thranduil, and were assured that someone would 'sing the trees back to sleep'. On their way back to the Woodland Hall, they stopped off along the way to track down the massive boar that had threatened Farmann the hunter on their previous trip through the Beorning lands, both to protect the farmers, and to provide for a lavish feast the two Woodsmen were planning, to present the broken axe, Wolfbiter to the Elder Council of Woodland Hall. The beast was quickly dispatched (two wounds in the opening volley via called shots), and heavily laden, but bright of spirit, they returned to Woodland Hall to spend the winter there.
The feast was a great success, and with the profits from their trade goods and gifts, and the return of the axe, both Woodsmen were celebrated as people of worth by the Woodsmen. (The Healer, who started the game with Status 1, bought his up to 2, the Bard bought his to 1, both with the aid of the Field of Combat.)
Meanwhile, Lorrie the Barding, a trader herself, spoke with Baldor and helped set up a holding for continued trade and communication along the Elf Path between the Free Peoples of the North, enlisting the aid of Aurel to help sway the Elf King. Farmann also set up a holding, though unlike those two, went off on his own, founding a Hunting Lodge near Woodland Hall to help provide for it's people, and establish a place for himself.
The Bard spent the remaining winter working with his Hound, training Roach to harry his foes in close combat. The Healer, on the other hand, went seeking answers about The Black Corselet with Radagast, and found both information, and yet more questions from the old Wizard. The armor hailed from the forge of Eol, an ancient name, and not one of good reputation. Radagast knew less than some of the origin of the armor, and recommended seeking out an elf who remembered the Fall of Gondolin, or perhaps Saruman the Wise, ever clever with making and crafting, for more information.
Farmann, Aurel, Glabum and Lonnie all chose to take advantage of their newfound fame as 'followers' of the two recoverers of the Axe, and established Sanctuaries at Woodland Hall and Rhosgobel. Glabum built himself a forge of sorts, but he needed iron to breed iron, and the smithy had a ways to go before he would count himself satisfied with it. (He grabbed a holding, and spent his downtime burning off Shadow).
Lonnie spent her time tending to her new holding, and managed to set up a network to deliver from Woodland Hall to the various smaller thorps and holdings (she got a Gandalf, and improved her holding on the first try). Aurel and Farmann spent their time hunting with the Woodsmen, and helped to keep the burgeoning population of Woodland Hall fed over the winter, though some were already discussing following Amaleoda, the childhood sweetheart of The Healer, in order to expand the reach of the Woodmen deeper into the wood, and relieve the population pressure. Both Woodsmen were given some good natured ribbing from friends and family about getting married, especially given their status and treasure. Lonnie overheard some of this, and got worried that a married Healer (nobody really worried that seriously about the Bard. He's very much a rolling stone) would not be available for adventures with the company, and began a plan to sabotage his courtship. (Leading to a great many out of character jokes about how far 'any means necessary' her plan to scuttle his marriage was).