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Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:16 pm
by Afterimagedan
Hey all! New to the forum here. Just tried The One Ring at Gencon and I'm hooked.
Question: is there any sort of rule about the average amount of treasure each player should be awarded per adventure? I'm sure it varies but I'm trying to get a grasp on what I can plan on distributing while I'm Loremastering. For example, pg 212 on the main rulebook talks about an Advancement point average per session. Anything like that for treasure?
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:21 pm
by Wbweather
I don't think there is any real rule, but most of the official adventures seem to award somewhere in the range of 1-5 treasure for successful completion, depending on the initial encounter outcome (with whoever enlisted them).
Who's game did you play in at Gencon, if you don't mind me asking?
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:53 pm
by Glorelendil
Welcome to TOR!
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:34 pm
by Deadmanwalking
On a mechanical level, it almost doesn't matter. Very few things actually use more than a handful of Treasure, ever. I think only Standing ever costs more than 10 points, and things costing more than one or two are vanishingly rare (I've played a character to over 130 xp and never spent more than two treasure at a time on anything but Standing raises and story-related stuff like weregild...and neither has anyone else in the company).
So, really, it depends on what you're going for in terms of theme. If you want to emphasize the PCs as penniless and looked down on in their homelands then low Treasure rewards are the correct choice. If you want to emphasize them as successful and respected, higher Treasure rewards plus free Standing when they do something for their own Culture are more appropriate. Or anywhere in between.
TOR isn't really built on the premise that Treasure per se matters all that much. So it doesn't.
If using the magic item rules in Rivendell, you probably want to include a Treasure Hoard or three at some point (since those are the only way to get magic items), and will thus throw out a fair bit of Treasure to the PCs in those, but even there the Treasure itself is almost incidental, rather than the main benefit.
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:42 pm
by Afterimagedan
I'm sorry, I cannot remember the loremaster's name. He was definitely fantastic.
Do you mean 1-5 per player or total?
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:56 pm
by zedturtle
1-5 per player, I imagine. That seems to be a reasonable rate, though some of us tend towards lower rewards (and cheaper upgrades to Standing) than by the book. The Treasure system already deemphasizes money anyways, so there's no super wrong answer. It's not like you can (usually) buy nicer stuff... you've got to find it or earn it.
Really happy to hear you had fun at Gen Con; we had a lot of great LMs for TOR and I'm certainly glad you had fun whoever it was.
Edit: I am not Mojo Jojo! I do not repeat myself! I am the very model of clarity and economy!
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:35 pm
by Wbweather
Yes, I think 1-5 per player. I agree, other than raising your standard, there is not much use for treasure. That being said, it is often difficult (I think) to raise and maintain standing as an adventurer and there are a lot of benefits as a loremaster to having your characters raise their standing a bit. It allows you to pull them into conversations with important NPCs for one thing. So having a bit of treasure can be a good thing, if the players don't horde it, but rather invest it in their community to increase standing.
I asked about the LM at Gencon to see if I might have met you. I'm glad you got hooked on TOR. Welcome to the forums. It's a great and very helpful community.
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:33 am
by Afterimagedan
Maybe this will help you remember: we had a player fall asleep 2-3 times during the game and role played it into the story. It was hilarious.
Re: Treasure Amounts
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:53 am
by Wbweather
Afterimagedan wrote:Maybe this will help you remember: we had a player fall asleep 2-3 times during the game and role played it into the story. It was hilarious.
Well, not my game then. But sounds like it was entertaining.