Fatpob wrote:I understand cultures have strengths and weaknesses, and the balance within the cultures is important. However suggesting a culture that has SwordMaster as a Virtue isn't martial seems somewhat amiss.
That wasn't what I was suggesting, actually. I was suggesting that every Culture tends to have at least one or two more martial Virtues (or specific Rewards), and that if you want to be really good at combat you probably want to pick one up regardless of Culture. This is probably a bit more true of low Wit cultures, but by no means exclusive to them.
Fatpob wrote:I get that the Bardings (and similar low wit cultures) benefit at the other end with higher body and heart, so higher damage capability and more endurance and hope.
Yep. Also, the ability to stave off Shadow and fear better (Heart adds to Wisdom and Valour checks, remember) and getting wounded much less often (Body adds to Protection tests). Plus healing (based on Heart) and adding to Weapon Skill Tests in emergencies (based on Body).
Fatpob wrote:However there is a far greater differential between a wits of 2 and a wits of 7 than between 19 endurance and 24 endurance.
On its own? Absolutely. Parry is far more valuable than Endurance alone. That said, Heart gives the following things per point (in addition to the bonus on Common Skills all three stats grant):
-1 Endurance
-1 Hope
-A +1 to Wisdom or Valour checks on a Hope expenditure
-Increased healing rate (including a slight increase in the effectiveness of Song or Inspire to heal others).
Body gives the following per point:
-1 Damage
-A +1 to Protection tests when you spend a Hope
-A +1 to Weapon Skill tests when you spend a Hope
Wits gives the following per point:
-1 Parry
So...Wits would be pretty crappy stat if Parry weren't better than any single thing the other stats grant, given that they grant 3 or 4 separate things to the single one Wits does. But those three or four things together are probably just as valuable as Parry is.
Fatpob wrote:example for wits 2 with shield in defensive stance (TN 17) vs Orc Soldier, Orc Guard and Great Orc
Orc 2d + Feat 22% hit chance
Orc Guard 3d + feat 53% hit chance
Great Orc 3d + feat + 7 96% hit chance
vs our elf with shield TN 22
Orc 2d + Feat 9% hit chance (Basically a Sauron or 2 x 6's and a 10)
Orc Guard 3d + feat 18% hit chance
Great Orc 3d + feat + 7 67% hit chance
Based on the basic fact that each hit will do 4 endurance, the 7 wits 19 endurance Elf is actually equivalent of having an endurance of between 23 and 27 endurance. If the endurance loss is higher off the basic attack, the Wits is worth far more.
I appreciate I have used extremes to illustrate the point, but even wits 5 is a significant advantage at 13%, 27% and 84%.
Okay, first off, if comparing equivalent characters (ie: a Body 5, Heart 2, Wits 7 Elf with a Body 5 Heart 7, Wits 2 Barding), you're comparing 22 Endurance for the Elf with 29 for the Barding, and 10 Hope for the Elf with 15 for the Barding. So...that's a 7 Endurance advantage, not 5 (as well as 5 Hope). As Rich H notes, thew base stats matter too (and high Wit cultures universally have some of the lower Endurance scores around, though admittedly mid-Wit cultures fare better). And that's 7 Endurance where you aren't weary, too, a not insignificant advantage.
Second, those percentages are a tad bit misleading, because it's mostly the not-great hits that get ignored by the high Wits guy, while the really good ones still get through. No amount of Parry ever saves you from Eyes of Sauron, after all.
Thirdly, the Barding can spend 1 Virtue and get +3 Parry and be way closer to the Elf (that 13, 27, 84 set of numbers)...while the Elf has no real equivalent way to catch up to the Barding's Heart-based advantages. I mean, he can get Elven Dreams and catch up on healing...but Wisdom and Valour tests? The extra Endurance and Hope? He'd need to spend several Virtues on less than great options to even get close.
Now, that's not to say the Elf has no options, he does (he can get a Spearman's Shield and Great Spear and be miles better offensively, while remaining equal defensively to the Swordmaster Barding, just for example), but the Barding does have some serious advantages the Elf can't duplicate.