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Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:51 pm
by GaladrielsHeels
Having gotten hold of the Darkening of Mirkwood & planning on starting it, I was wondering :

What kind of adventures have LM's been running in between the official sections?

Would it be a bit lazy or awkward to just run them straight through?

Should LM's strive to show the sweep of how Mirkwood falls to the shadow?

I only ask these questions because i,m looking to put minimum work in on my own adventures : kind of the point of buying a pre written adventure book no?

Thanks All


Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:25 pm
by Wbweather
There are a lot of fan made adventures that have been posted on this forum. I have also found that searching for a specific year often yields information about other adventure ideas that LM's have run between the yearly adventures in the DoM book.

This thread might be helpful:

Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:05 am
by zedturtle
Several folks have talked about doing this before, usually by combining Tales From Wilderland within DoM. I think this can work, and could allow the heroes to have a clear-cut victory (assuming the 'good' ending to Tales) about half-way through the downward trajectory of DoM.

I'm running Darkening more or less by itself as one of my PbP games... I don't really run anything else, but often tweak the write-up for each year to either expand the adventure or cause more interconnection between years. Even without adding any material, it will still be an epicly long game, so I didn't feel the need to add anything back in. It certainly does not feel lazy or awkward! ;)

If you did want to add other material, all of the official Wilderland adventures (including Words of the Wise and The Marsh Bell) can work into the early storyline. Maybe Marsh Bell first, then Don't Leave the Path and then The Wizard's Man could lead to Words of the Wise and that could lead into The Folk-moot. Plenty of ways to combine things.

Of course, as Bill said, there's fan adventures too (and James Brown's Wild Adventures which are randomly generated)... they can be slotted in whenever the heroes are near to the appropriate areas (so Trouble At Eel Tarn when the heroes are close to Lake-town, Theft of the Moon to introduce the conflict with the Viglundings, etc.).

Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:26 pm
by daddystabz
Any suggestion as to how/when to work the Wilderland adventures into Darkening?

Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:04 am
by Willis
What is the Wizards man? Is it a fan created adventure? Where could I find it?

Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:10 am
by zedturtle
Willis wrote:What is the Wizards man? Is it a fan created adventure? Where could I find it?
The Wizard's Man is the first adventure of Darkening of Mirkwood.

Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:12 am
by skywalker
daddystabz wrote:Any suggestion as to how/when to work the Wilderland adventures into Darkening?
This thread puts them both in chronological order: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=957

Re: Weaving in adventures in D.O.M

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:14 am
by zedturtle
skywalker wrote:
daddystabz wrote:Any suggestion as to how/when to work the Wilderland adventures into Darkening?
This thread puts them both in chorological order: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=957
Yeah, I had linked that thread to daddystabz as well. I'm not sure what else he* is looking for, exactly.

DS: I'd really like to help you, but I'm not sure what form that would take.


* My apologies if that's an incorrect assumption.