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Hobbit languages
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:08 pm
by Glorelendil
Note: Maybe we now need a 3rd forum for general Tolkien lore discussion, independent of specific system.
When Bilbo is creeping about the cellars, how does he know what Galion and the Guard Captain are saying, or what the other elves say when the come down to help roll the barrels? Either they are speaking Westron (doubtful) or he understands Sindarin (more plausible, but I'm still skeptical).
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:11 pm
by Terisonen
I'm sure he understand (at least partially) Sindarin. Don't forget he is a elvish fanatic.
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:18 pm
by zedturtle
It could be, like the trolls, that what we get is more imagination than reality or might have been extrapolated after the fact.
But yeah, Bilbo having some Sindarin, esp after Rivendell, is not too unlikely.
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:29 pm
by Glorelendil
Post Red Book, sure. But in 2941? Where would he have learned Elvish?
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:43 pm
by zedturtle
Oh, I meant the early to midsummer of 2941 when he stayed at Rivendell with the dwarves.
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:54 pm
by fjw70
The Shire has a world class educational system.
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:01 am
by jamesrbrown
Perhaps Tolkien just wanted us to know what they said and Bilbo was a good guesser?
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:17 am
by Falenthal
jamesrbrown wrote:... Bilbo was a good guesser?
Extraordinary Success on his Riddle task.
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 7:53 am
by Rich H
The Elves had subtitles, he just read those.
Re: Hobbit languages
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:57 pm
by Robin Smallburrow
You are all forgetting that Bilbo is wearing The Ring when he overhears the Guard Captain etc. I think this was why he was able to understand them!
Robin S.