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Values of a fell beast
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:29 pm
by ThoGri
Hi foks,
did anyone know or have the values of an fell beast?
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:50 pm
by Halbarad
I'd probably go with the stats for a Young Cold Drake in the Erebor Book as my base and give it Fell Speed, Thing of Terror and possibly Foul Reek.
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:11 pm
by zedturtle
Yep, Erebor now gives us a lot more options. That's probably the "right" way to go...
Here's a fan version that I made a while ago:
The file:
Fan Monsters
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:22 am
by spivo
I never really saw the fell beasts as very powerfull.
Their greatest strength lay in them flying and having a nazgul as rider.
Eowyn lobbed of ones head in one blow, and while you may say Bard killed a dragon with one arrow, that feat was done (most likely) with some unseen help or at least through extreme luck.
And while she also killed the Witch-King, that was in some way destined to be so.
I also think they are comepletely brainless, being controlled solely by their master.
Personally oppinion really, but it rubs me a little when people make the nazguls (and fell beasts) out to be super powerfull. Their power lies in the terror they instill in mortal (men, dwarves, hobbits) people.
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:38 am
by Halbarad
@ Spivo
Personally, I always viewed them as a dark reflection of the Great Eagles. I'd maybe start with the Dragonet Stats for your version.
Perhaps a new Shadow Ability: Undead Minion
Raised from beyond the grave by the dark power of necromancy, these creatures are unable to think or act for themselves. Their master must spend a point of Hate to enable them to perform any specific task, including making attacks against opponents.
Or something like that...
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:54 am
by ThoGri
Thank you very much zedturtle for your fan version.
This was it where I'm looking for.
At the moment I still acts to me hard with it to design my own creature for TOR.
I lack something else the routine like it to me with other systems.
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:29 am
by spivo
I lack enough information, and so do all but Tolkien, of how powerful he regarded fell beasts.
But keep in mind that he does state that the greatest power nazguls has, is the fear and despair they instill on the weaker races. Nazguls are nothing but a man to elves, a man with many many years of experience, but just a man. They have no power over them, because they see both worlds. Elves feared only the Dark Lord, and while this might be a generalization and really only apply to more noble elves, the main point is that nazguls were not powerhouses.
The Witch King prophecy is not that he was immortal, but that he would be killed by a woman.
And so I would (personally), also regard a fell beast as a big flying horse (or twisted version of a eagle), with terror as it's main weapon, and the nazgul attached to it... But a eagle would tear a fell beast apart any day, it's just not in league with them.
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:12 am
by Halbarad
Indeed Spivo, everything is conjectural. My own view of the relative strengths or weaknesses of a Fellbeast is not set in stone and I'd be happy with TOR to provide official stats that showed either a weaker or stronger variant.
I'm not sure about the thought that they are substantially weaker than the Great Eagles though. The battle between the two at the Field of Cormallen results in the flight of the Nazgul and their flying steeds. There are mitigating factors for this though. Barad Dur has just toppled. Also, there are a precise number of Nazgul and the numbers of the Eagles are an unknown quantity as far as I can recall (and not having my books to hand).There might actually be three or four times as many of the Eagles as the Fell Beasts.
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:42 am
by Terisonen
spivo wrote:I lack enough information, and so do all but Tolkien, of how powerful he regarded fell beasts.
But keep in mind that he does state that the greatest power nazguls has, is the fear and despair they instill on the weaker races. Nazguls are nothing but a man to elves, a man with many many years of experience, but just a man. They have no power over them, because they see both worlds. Elves feared only the Dark Lord, and while this might be a generalization and really only apply to more noble elves, the main point is that nazguls were not powerhouses.
The Witch King prophecy is not that he was immortal, but that he would be killed by a woman.
And so I would (personally), also regard a fell beast as a big flying horse (or twisted version of a eagle), with terror as it's main weapon, and the nazgul attached to it... But a eagle would tear a fell beast apart any day, it's just not in league with them.
It's their rider who instill fear, not the beast IMO.
How much weigh a Nazgul, BTW, in their physical form? Not so much I think.
Re: Values of a fell beast
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:32 pm
by bluejay
While the High Elves are powerful, Glorfindel clearly says that there are 'few even in Rivendell that can ride openly against the Nine'. I do not feel that the Nazgul were just men to the Elves.