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Published Adventures

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:40 pm
by Willis
I've seen the list that puts all of the published adventures in order and was wondering how long a campaign might go on if you simply followed that format.

Re: Published Adventures

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:37 pm
by mirkwoodfalcon
For a point of reference, I have been running my group through the published adventures. I've completed 'Tales from Wilderland' and am about half way through 'The Darkening of Mirkwood'. We also did The Marsh-Bell (from the Core book.) Have not yet touched 'Ruins of the North'. We are a little over 2 real-world years in, playing weekly (minus the summer months.)

I'd say you could easily play 3 years on what is currently available if you played every other week with about 2 weeks per adventure, and there's even another adventure anthology in the works ('Oaths of the Riddermark') and rumors floating around of a possible other campaign book!

Re: Published Adventures

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:19 pm
by Majestic
Yes, I agree. We've been playing for even longer than that, though we only play once a month or so (with sometimes stretches even longer), and we've done about the same amount (all of Tales, about half of Darknening, plus a few others). I'd guess 3-4 years, at least, if one was playing weekly.