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Other adventure suggestions for middle earth?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:30 pm
by sunmachine
Hi. New Loremaster here. I'm waiting for the release of the Adventurer's Companion before starting a One Ring campaign. In the meantime I've been thinking of good material that could be re-purposed for use in Middle Earth. I have a fondness for an adventure called Trouble at Embertrees, that appeared way, way back in White Dwarf which I think could be changed to Trouble at Bree. I like the detail given to the NPCs and the low magic, olde english feel of the setting. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Re: Other adventure suggestions for middle earth?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:22 pm
by Tuska
MERP probably has some good stuff. Otherwise read through the various source books there are loads of little story hints in them.

Re: Other adventure suggestions for middle earth?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:17 pm
by Rich H
Tuska wrote:MERP probably has some good stuff.
From an adventure perspective I'd largely disagree. I own all the MERP books and the vast amount of their adventures... aren't great. The One Ring has a very different beat and feel to it than MERP, thankfully.

To the OP, my recommendation for adventure suggestions for Middle-earth are to pick up Tales from Wilderland, The Darkening of Mirkwood, and Ruins of the North. All of them are products in The One Ring line and all contain excellent ideas and adventures. Use those first before shoe-horning other games' material into a TOR campaign. There are undoubtedly adventures elsewhere that would fit but I'd learn the ropes running a TOR game using adventures specifically designed for it first.

Re: Other adventure suggestions for middle earth?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:56 pm
by Finrod Felagund
Hell Sunmachine. I don't know if you saw this but it may help viewtopic.php?f=60&t=7084