Honestly, I was originally just thinking of having the Dwarves adopt the Mannish names taken from the Folk of Rhovanion with the addition of the thirteen month named for the Elven late-fall/early-winter season of quellë/lasselanta (in Quenya) or firith (in Sindarin).Rich H wrote:... Where were you thinking of going with the 13 month names?
English - Quenya - Sindarin - Shire - Bree
January - Narvinyë - Narwain - Afteryule - Frery*
February - Nénimë - Nínui - Solmath - Solmath
March - Súlimë - Gwaeron - Rethe - Rethe
April - Víressë - Gwirith - Astron - Chithing*
May - Lótessë - Lothron - Thrimidge - Thrimidge
June - Nárië - Nórui - Forelithe - Lithe
July - Cermië - Cerveth Afterlithe - Mede
August - Úrimë - Urui - Wedmath - Wedmath
September - Yavannië - Ivanneth - Halimath - Harvestmath
October - Narquelië - Narbeleth - Winterfilth - Wintring
Fealwemath - Quellë - Firith - none- none (only counted as a month by the Dwarves)
November - Hísimë - Hithui - Blotmath - Blooting
December - Ringarë - Girithron - Foreyule - Yulemath*
* Also used in the Eastfarthing.
Tolkien notes in Appendix D:
The Dwarves of Durin's Folk might have also adopted these names for common usage. I suggest that where the Bree-names differ they were influenced by the local tongue of the Men of Eriador and that the Shire-names are the older forms. Perhaps the day that corresponds with the winter solstice is the one named Mahalsdei, and combined with the leap-day (Overdei?) making up Mahalstide.In the nomenclature of the Hobbits...both of the Shire and of Bree, diverged from the Westron usage, and adhered to old-fashioned local names of their own, which they seem to have picked up in antiquity from the Men of the vales of Anduin...
It's also possible that, in common usage, the Dwarves took the names for the weekdays from the Men of the Anduin vales. Tolkien provides archaic forms for those names: (1) Sterrendei, (2) Sunnendei, (3) Monendei, (4) Trewesdei, (5) Hevenesdei, (6) Meresdei, (7) Highdei.
I've gone back and revised the original calendar. Take a look and post your thoughts and further suggestions.