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Paper Minis

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:46 pm
by Willis
Hey folks,

I know minis aren't necessary for this game, but my players enjoy them. Does anyone know of a place that has paper minis that would fit the feel of the setting?

Re: Paper Minis

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:54 pm
by Majestic
I use paper minis (cardboard counters) for just about every game I run. I've used them for years with supers, for our Star Wars and Star Trek games, and I even used them back when I ran the Decipher Lord of the Rings RPG. I've also made and used them for many other games as well, including D&D. As a very visual person, I generally feel that they add a lot to a game, helping to aid in everyone having a better idea of what's being explained by the GM.

But TOR is one game where I haven't really needed them at all. Combat is much more stylized and narrative, where things like facing and distances/ranges and other things aren't really necessary. I actually used them once for my TOR campaign, for a pivotal skirmish (the battle inside the tower against Raenar at the end of Tales from Wilderland).

I've found the easiest way to find them is to make them (you can buy a 1" dice cutter at any craft store), then buy some CCG or TCG cards. Alternately, what I do now is find cool images online, size them to 1" x 1", and then print them on cardstock.

If you're looking for the 3D type (that fold in half, showing a character's front side on half and their back side on the other), you'll have to look around, as there are a number that are available (IIRC, Steve Jackson Games makes some).