Weather effects
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:26 pm
So it's currently Autumn and Raining in the adventure I'm running. So cold, wet adventurers seems like it should have an effect. Any ideas?
zedturtle wrote:. . . I did use Severely Hindered and Moderately Hindered as effects applied to the Fatigue tests for bad weather. I think that works well to represent the enviromental effects... travellers with more experience aren't significantly likely to be affected, but those who are just starting out might be get soaked to the bone and have the chills for the rest of the Journey.
bluejay wrote:Hmm ... well I think in terms of travel you can always use effects such as temporarily Weary or Miserable. In combat you can make the fellowship moderately hindered. In tasks you can raise the TN.
I think this is true, but it would also be nice to account for extremes/unique events within the season--being caught in a spring rainstorm--pretty bad, but not as bad as traveling in winter perhaps, and definitely not as bad as being caught in a winter storm. I can't imagine it would mess with the math too much, seeing as we have examples of Temp conditions being applied ad lib in the published adventures.Majestic wrote:Season already factors into the game when the adventurers do Journeys. It's much tougher to travel during Autumn and Winter than Spring/Summer, as the companions have to make more Fatigue tests. It's also factored in when they fail Fatigue tests, as their Fatigue is raised more in Autumn and Winter than it is in Spring and Summer (one wears heavier gear when one travels during the colder seasons).
Perhaps what is needed are more weather-related Hazard episodes such as these ones from Journeys & Maps:cuthalion would also be nice to account for extremes/unique events within the season--being caught in a spring rainstorm--pretty bad, but not as bad as traveling in winter perhaps, and definitely not as bad as being caught in a winter storm. I can't imagine it would mess with the math too much, seeing as we have examples of Temp conditions being applied ad lib in the published adventures.
Good topic OP!
Agreed. I guess my question is, what's the difference between modifying tests and ticking Weary (temporarily)? Statistically and mechanically I mean. The latter seems a bit neater to me, practically speaking. But I've never been very statistically minded--does being Weary end up being harsher on the player?Falenthal wrote:That said, a LM can consider that the weather might be specially bad during a season, like during the Long Winter or if under the effects of some sorcery. That would go beyond the "usual autumn chill". In those cases, you could introduce a general Moderately Hindered or Severly Hindered malus to probably all actions: Fatigue tests, but also combat, tracking enemies, athletic tests,... even social abilities could be more difficult under those extreme situations if the group hasn't rested well before.