Learning the Black Speech

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Re: Learning the Black Speech

Post by Cawdorthane » Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:28 am

I rather like Rich's idea of the very fact of learning it earn a point of permanent Shadow. I would be inclined to limit it to Scholars spending a long Fellowship Phase in either Rivendell, Isengard or in a sanctuary with Gandalf (who also happens to be a patron) as their activity. I would be inclined to charge the companion 4 Advancement Points to learn level 1 in the skill and for it to be capable of progression by study as subsequent Fellowship Phase activities together with further Advancement Points spends.

If successfully used in an Encounter (of a chatty kind) with Servants of the Shadow, I would increase the success level of such an interaction to Great or Extraordinary as the case might be but would also have the companion test for Corruption depending on the nature of the interaction:

TN 12 if dealing with an Orc sentry or other menial or low level Servant
TN 14 if dealing with an Orc sergeant, a minor courier or other mid level Servant
TN 16+ if dealing with an Orc captain/chieftan, an agent of Saruman or other higher level Servant

I would not want to try it on a Nazgul though, that might be teaching one's grandmother to suck eggs......

It might also be similarly useful in Riddle or Lore skills to unravel messages or inscriptions written by Servants of the Shadow.


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