Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

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Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by PhilOfCalth » Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:39 pm

So the new Adventures in Middle-Earth Player's Guide, apparently has "New Audience rules", which I understand to be rules for gaining an audience with someone of import (EG a King, or Saruman, or someone similarly difficult to see). This seems a fairly important part of the feel, at least according to my understanding of the setting. I've looked through my TOR books, and I can't find an equivalent set of rules. Admittedly, I do not have the complete collection.

So am I missing it in my search, or is it in one of the books I don't have, or do audience rules just not exist for TOR?

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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by zedturtle » Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:56 pm

Audience rules in Adventures closely parallel Encounter rules in TOR. Or at least they perform the same function, though Audience relies on the 5e approach to social encounters whilst TOR has a bit more going on.
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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by PhilOfCalth » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:19 pm

Got yea. I think you hit the nail on the head there.

The key word "encounter" is already in use in in 5e. That's probably why they changed it. It's also probably why I skipped that section!

Thanks a million

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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by zedturtle » Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:43 am

PhilOfCalth wrote:Got yea. I think you hit the nail on the head there.

The key word "encounter" is already in use in in 5e. That's probably why they changed it. It's also probably why I skipped that section!

Thanks a million
This is a really good example of something that I like to mention about The One Ring whenever I get to talk about it with players that are familiar with RPGs but new to TOR: there's a lot of things that are subtly different about the game, and it's really easy to blow past something, thinking it works just like other RPGs and then only realize afterwards that TOR does it differently.

In any case, glad to help out and please let us know if you've got other questions.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by skywalker » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:07 am

AME uses the system from 5e which is generally a single roll. I actually prefer TOR's multiple roll approach as it allows multiple PCs to contribute more easily.
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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by Arkat » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:27 am

I have to admit that I like the term "audience" better than encounter since I think it better captures the nature of the system. One of the reasons I've struggled a bit with the encounter system is that I've thought it was designed to be used in any social encounter. But in stead it is honed to run scenes where the players seek out and ask favors of powerful figures. Aka. Audiences

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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by cuthalion » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:27 pm

Not sure about that--because it might be used also for, say, a game of riddles, or a negotiation/encounter with a giant/dragon/ . . . that may or may not lead to combat. There are many instances in Tolkien where words and wits are all that is exchanged between adversaries--and I think Cub7 were going for a system that could provide mechanics for this too, as well as the normal kind of social encounter that you're describing.

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Re: Are there "Audience rules" in TOR

Post by cuthalion » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:32 pm

Gandalf and Gríma/Theoden--there's another one that's a little different again. You can see how the number of successes might have affected how that exchange worked out . . . perfect example, because its in the mode of Gandalf and companions seeking an 'Audience', but really, has nothing to do with the trope you're describing.

Just about to read that part with my kids--can't wait!!

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