Do you name your equipment?

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Do you name your equipment?

Post by Elmoth » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:36 pm

I was wondering if people names his equipment. Not regular equipment, but once you start piling bonuses and special equipment the piece of gear can become something to behold. Not Orcrist, but a weapon worth remembering, I guess :) Special weapons have names in tolkien, so I would say that this was common enough.

So, do you? :)

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Angelalex242 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:50 pm

I dunno. Under the rules, Orcrist was just a Grievous Keen Fell Longsword wielded by Thorin Oakenshield. Oh, and it glowed in the dark near orcs.

But under the philosophy Orcrist is creatable under the rules (it's just a weapon of worth, fully tricked out), yes, I name my longsword. :)

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Beran » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:17 am

I was thinking about naming the mattock my Dwarf PC used. I never came up with anything, however.

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by MReader » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:55 am

Yes, I have named my character's sword. It's called Silmacil Eccethon, due to its unusual brightness and the fact that it glows white, and the Star of Fëanor is engraved both on the scabbard and on the sword itself. Everyone assumes that Milo (a Hobbit of Michel Delving and Scholar / Treasure-Hunter) looted it from somewhere in Eregion, but it was made for Milo by the Heir of Celebrimbor, one of the last surviving Gwaith-i-Mírdain -- the same group of Elves who forged the Rings of Power in the Second Age -- in exchange for a promise and some mithril. What this promise consisted of, only Milo knows...

The name came from, and there's a whole host of other Elvish weapon names available there. Take a look and be amazed. :idea:
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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Otaku-sempai » Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:54 pm

I have occasionally named weapons possessed by my PCs, but not yet for TOR. It depends on the character and the weapon.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by James Harrison » Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:44 pm

Angelalex242 wrote:Under the rules, Orcrist was just a Grievous Keen Fell Longsword wielded by Thorin Oakenshield.
I think I disagree with the statement -

Nitpciking I think it was a Sword not a Longsword

Thematically I think Orcrist could be a Grievous Keen Fell Glowing Sword; it depends on your game. If it is a G/K/F Sword then you should not say ...just a...; in this case Grievous keen Fell weapons are stuff of legends (as is the case with Rathlyn)...

Or the LM could be running a world where Orcrist is better than a G/K/F Sword. RAW I think this is a fine interpretation - the greatest weapons of ancient time are not for the PC's; fitting with the low fantasy of the setting.

I don't think either is more valid than the other; it depends on what story you want to play :)

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Beran » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:42 pm

As Balin said in the first Hobbit movie "Swords are named for the great deeds done in battle." Or, something along those lines. It can take a while before a weapon would be so worthy of a name.

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Angelalex242 » Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:14 pm

Well, in my interpretation of the feature characters, I jacked Anduril up beyond PC levels, because a sword that can actually damage Sauron and other Maia isn't creatable under the rules. Also, it seems to be one of maybe 2-5 things on Middle Earth Sauron is actually scared of. He freaks when Aragorn shows it reforged in the Plantir. And Sauron is not an easily spooked evil overlord.

Anyways, G/K/F is an 'item of worth.' That's meant to cover all the legendary weapons we see in history except for those weapons that do deeds beyond the scope of the books. (Weapons that actually wound Morgoth in the 1st age, for example, like Anduril, are beyond the scope of items presented in the books.)

What about Glamdring? Well, the biggest thing we see Glamdring do is survive a battle with the Balrog. Then again, it was wielded by a Maia going all out at the time, so it's conceivable Gandalf was juicing the sword, and it wouldn't have done that in the hands of a non Maia.

I'm a little torn if the Black Sword Gurthang is G/K/F, or if it's Anduril class.

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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Elmoth » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:28 pm

Beran wrote:As Balin said in the first Hobbit movie "Swords are named for the great deeds done in battle." Or, something along those lines. It can take a while before a weapon would be so worthy of a name.
Right and very appropriate :) However, this is if you are the first one to wield it. If it is a family heirloom (or even more, an elen weapon) it can have quite a story that predates you. No sword with 1 trait would be realluy worthy of a high name (even if quite a few people might name them anyway) but if this is the sword of your family lineage, that has seen 300 years of battle against the orcs (being forged and reforged, of course) it can easily have a name and a story that is likely to outlive you. If it is an elven blade, the effect is just magnified.

And this is cool :D


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Re: Do you name your equipment?

Post by Beran » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:59 pm

"... but if this is the sword of your family lineage, that has seen 300 years of battle against the orcs (being forged and reforged, of course) it can easily have a name and a story that is likely to outlive you. If it is an elven blade, the effect is just magnified."

Very true, and it adds to the history of the PC as well.

I thought it very cool that the actor who plays Dwalin in the movies named his axes "Grasper" and "Keeper" and when Jackson found out he had the names engraved on the props in Khuzdul.

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