One piece of feedback from the group is that fights can be a bit slow, especially since even a mighty warrior can only attack once in a round. This makes sense when opponents are evenly matched, but lesser opponents like Attribute rating 2 goblins and such should not pose much more than a distraction.
So, the players have asked if it's possible to attack several times, and I've been looking at some solutions for this. The one I keep coming back to is inspired by the excellent A Game of Thrones rpg. In this you can split your die pool into several attacks.
So, this is what I suggest: anyone, friend or foe, can split die pools on regular attacks. This has to be decided on before the dice are rolled, of course. One Feat Die is rolled, but the dice for skills are split into more several attacks. Of couse, this makes landing attacks quite hard and quite risky, since each result on de skill dice are added to the number on the Feat Die (it's not rolled for each attack), but it might make sense for experienced warriors fighting weaker goblins in Forward Stance, or a huge Troll being surrounded by several player characters.
Also, several attacks can be directed at one foe. Again, risky, but effective if you roll high on the Feat Die.
This also applies to ranged weapons, of course.
When it comes to monsters, only primary attacks can be split into several attacks.
Any thoughts? Is there some game breaking issue I haven't thought of yet?
