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Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:31 pm
by Borri
I can't find the Fellowship Undertakings from the Erebor sourcebook. Am I blind or are they left out?

(Edit: the new Undertaking 'Exercise your Talent' seems to miss in the tables too)

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:01 pm
by Gilrohir Arncelevon
Jon, TS and everyone else involved - it was definitely worth the wait!! What a fantastic addition to the rule set. Incredibly useful to have all the undertakings brought together and all the non-core rule book cultures in one place. Great art, some fabulous new rules which compliment the existing rules and some great colour in the form of new cultures and I'm really loving the new fellowship groups. So many ideas to get our teeth into. You guys have (as always) rocked it!! Thank you, you make roleplaying so much fun!!

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:27 pm
by Falenthal
I'd like to add a huge bow to Paul Bourne for the new Part titles (p.7, 103). Beautiful and in line with the rest of the design, as if they had been there forever in the TOR line.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:37 pm
by cuthalion
Congrats C7!!! This is a great, great supplement. And many thanks for that earlier question on this thread to Jon, and his response--nice to see the book through the creators' eyes. More thoughts from the team would be welcome.

Naomi's work is indeed amazing, and had caught my eye before you mentioned it Jon. Doubly exciting that you are in the place of expanding the TOR team (and keeping standards so high). Good for you. And there are so, so many illustrations here that are wonderful.

So many deft rules and additions. Interested to see how the chess-like combat roles play out--and all the syntheses with courage, roles, and various virtues adding to the dice pool etc. are very intriguing.

Most of all, impressed how you continue to expand, while staying true to the sleek encapsulation and abstraction that has defined the series. Part of me sometimes wants more of a particular thing, but, I think, in actuality, you tread the line very astutely in terms of delivering a compelling gaming experience that doesn't feel like an exercise in simulation.

When I find myself feeling liberated by rethinking the way I game/think about RPGs in order to actually adhere to and enjoy the game you've made (instead of rehashing games and modes of playing that I know), I feel really energized and excited about roleplaying games again. ---And I hope that comes across as a compliment like I mean it to, and not backhanded in anyway.

Now, time to shut up for me. Congrats again: here's to another fantastic year of supplements and all the hard work that went into them--about the only good thing I have to say for 2016 :( :( :(

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:39 pm
by Corvo
Jon Hodgson wrote:There will be a one hour period of grace, where the One Ring team are allowed to enjoy having released a title they have worked on for 3 years. And then you can start ripping it apart.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, at the moment, my favorite part are the rules for Naming an Heir.
...And those for "Taking Courage", too

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:34 pm
by Rich H
Wonderful art as always and Naomi's work is an excellent addition; more of her pieces please! :D

I'm afraid I do find it disappointing that around approximately 1/3rd of the book's content has been presented previously in other sources though. I appreciate it can be useful to consolidate but if another supplement later adds further cultures or undertakings then the content here quickly gets out of date. I get the decision to do this but I don't agree with it, sorry. Still, the new content is invariably pretty groovy so I'm fairly happy with it on the whole.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:05 pm
by Rich H
Corvo wrote:...And those for "Taking Courage", too
It's a very clever and elegant way of allowing experienced and inexperienced characters as part of the same fellowship.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:30 pm
by zedturtle
Rich H wrote:
Corvo wrote:...And those for "Taking Courage", too
It's a very clever and elegant way of allowing experienced and inexperienced characters as part of the same fellowship.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to implementing that rule in my Darkening game. Should brighten things up a bit for newer heroes.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:59 am
by skywalker
Looks like a great book.

Where are the pre-gens? We missed the Minas-Tirith and Bree pre-gens in AiME and I had hoped I would get their backgrounds in the Adventure Companion :(

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:52 am
by Southron
Who did the sketch on pg 113? I like that style quite a bit.

I have waited for so long for the TOR Man of Minas Tirith and I must say that I am impressed. Thank you Team TOR.