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Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:09 pm
by Rich H
Glorelendil wrote:Happily, it provides for both the verisimilitudists (©) and the balancers.
Happily so!

There are lots of gamers out there where this kind of 'enforced' balance within game mechanics or mechanics that enforce a particular theme are not welcome ever. There types have criticised TOR since it came out; we often read comments along the lines of "I don't want to play in a Tolkien novel but I do want to play in Middle-earth". Elements such as the Taking Courage rule enforce both theme and balance so can be a real issue for some who feel like even just one of these things (never mind both) is stepping on the toes of the GM and "doing his job".

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:54 pm
by Glorelendil
Doing your job? Shut up and give me more magic items. That's your job.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:44 pm
by Stormcrow
Then I guess people will see in it what they want to see. It would be enlightening if whoever invented the rule gave us an explanation of the reasons it exists.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:15 am
by Indur Dawndeath
I handed out extra XPs to the new players before this new rule, so I'm happy the designers agree with my observations. I have no problem when i see a game devellop in the same direction AS I was playing it to begin with. I'm just extreemly happy to have the rules and not just hand out an XP now and then.
Same with the Heir options. They are exactly what I were looking for when I tried to House rule it a year ago.

I love everything Ive seen, exept for the reprint of the cultures. Because if it is supposed to be a collection of all playable cultures, then all the core cultures are missing. I'm not saying that they should be there, but without the core cultures there really is no idea to have the others reprinted.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:12 am
by zedturtle
The core cultures are in the base game, which is pretty much required to play. This dramatically simplifies the process of creating characters by consolidating almost everything into two volumes.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:35 pm
by farinal
I quite liked the new cultures, new combat rules and especially patrons and famous companies stuff from the parts I have read but my only complain would be about the lack of forest magic for the wayward elves. I mean they are the perfect culture to expend the wood-elf magic upon more but for some reason that is not the case.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:27 am
by bluejay
farinal wrote:I quite liked the new cultures, new combat rules and especially patrons and famous companies stuff from the parts I have read but my only complain would be about the lack of forest magic for the wayward elves. I mean they are the perfect culture to expend the wood-elf magic upon more but for some reason that is not the case.
I've seen this come up a few times now but what specifically is so magical about the forest Elves? I understand that they do a couple of things in The Hobbit and honestly I think the existing rules more than covered those abilities (and arguably gave them a little more with things like Stinging Arrow). It's not like you ever see Legolas use any form of magic even when he's in other forests (Lorien, Fangorn).

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:31 am
by Jussi Marttila
Legolas in Hollin listens to what the stones and the land have to say to him. That's fairly magical, I'd say.

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:37 am
by bluejay
Ah sorry I meant any of the stuff that's classed as 'Wood-elf Magic' in the Virtues (Stinging Arrow, Elf-lights and Enchanted Sleep) but yes I should have been much clearer in my post.

Funnily enough I read that chapter 10 days ago. You're right as he discusses how the Gwain-i-Mirdaith (I think, doing this from memory) were very different to his kinsfolk. The whole 'high they builded us" thing.

The one ability he does display that I've never seen represented is the whole walking across snow trick but I digress...

Re: The Adventurer's Companion available now in PDF

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:40 am
by Falenthal
Jussi Marttila wrote:Legolas in Hollin listens to what the stones and the land have to say to him. That's fairly magical, I'd say.
That's where The Speakers Virtue comes from.

About walking over the snow,... he rolled a Gandalf and 66 in that Athletics test.