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Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updat

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:26 pm
by Indur Dawndeath
You know I love your Character generator!
There are 2 additions, that would make it even better:
1) Set Experience bonus when creating an Heir and possibly add the Special abilities gained by an Heir.
This could be done as a seperate Character creation "Heir Creation", so it dosen't polute the already great Character creator.
2) Open the option to add Traits, not only exchange them.
Example: You can learn Shadow Lore from Saruman. In addition to the traits you alteady possess. Many other ways to gain additional permanent traits... Small, Elf Friend,.. And many more ways to gain Temporary traits.
So, an optimal solution could be to have two extra options: Add Permanent Trait, and Add Trmporary Trait.

Just my 2 cents :D

Thank you so much for this tool

Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updat

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:40 am
by Deadmanwalking
Minor Issue: The Wayward Elf default skill setup in the generator is too good. They are listed as having Lore 3 and Riddle 3, while the Adventurer's Guide has them at only Riddle 2 and Lore 2

Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updated

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:26 am
by azrapse
Thanks to Luiz Borges, now this tool supports Portuguese (Brazil) language. :)
Viagens seguras!

Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updated

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:19 pm
by Caedogan
Thank you very much for this generator. I LM for my group and love making npcs, if there was a randomize option to auto fill in a character name race traits etc, that would be epic! Or have an option to choose the race or type of character like town guard, barkeep, adventurer, etc. My other thought would be a item of renown generator using the details in Rivendell and Erebor.

Thanks again for making and updating this.

Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updated

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:52 am
by NooJ

I'm a fresh French LM for TOR and just discovered your usefull tool for character generator.
How can I provide you the asset for French translation ?

Please feel free to contact me here or PM.


Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updated

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:23 am
by Robin Smallburrow
any chance you are going to design a Character Generator for Adventures in Middle-earth??

Robin S.

Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updated

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:46 am
by azrapse
Hi. If you mean the supplements for the D&D system, I'm sorry but no.
I don't own or have played that game system, ever. So it's best that someone else that is familiar and interested on it does it.
I think have had not even had the chance to play The One Ring for years either, so I guess that is why I struggle to find time to keep this up to date. :?

Re: The One Ring online Character Generator and Sheet, updated

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:51 pm
by Zulgolra
I think have had not even had the chance to play The One Ring for years either, so I guess that is why I struggle to find time to keep this up to date. :?
And that is, why we users of your charactergenerator have to thank your again and again for all your great work! Work you did not earn a single penny with!

Thank you for creating this site and keeping it up to date (until now at least).