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Threats From Mirkwoodthe Wizards Man

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:03 pm
by barefoottourguide
Elebrimborn, Throrr and Bettony find a powerful man neae death’s door outside Fenbridge Castle. Is he friend or foe? Then, a long missing agent of Radagast’s turns up, with hunters on his heels. Watch the show at Watch the latest Threats From Mirkwood at


Re: Threats From Mirkwoodthe Wizards Man

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:44 pm
by farinal
Looks interesting. Can you also provide a short summary here about that session?

Re: Threats From Mirkwoodthe Wizards Man

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:48 am
by barefoottourguide

Morgred's found near death outside Fenbridge Castle. He asks the companions to guide him back to Tyrant's Hill, where they witness a young boy being turned over to the cruel military trainers in exchange for his mother's safety and promise of work in the Hill. The boy's first lesson is a "no mercy" beating at a feast in Morgred's honor. The heroes leave and find Beran. They don't fall for any of Dagmar's shenanigans and take out the warriors.
Back at Rhosgobel, I used fan material... The heroes are asked to invite Ceawin to the folk moot, so the heroes venture out to Sunstead. They encounter more men of Tyrant's Hill, who want to force the party to pay treasure in exchange for their services as guards on the journey to Sunstead. They offer's refused.