So, with the Adventurer’s Companion with us, we’re starting a new campaign soon set in Rohan – the company consisting of Riders of Rohan, a Man of Minas Tirith, Elf of Lórien, and a Dunlending. Since my players enjoy playing around the time of War of the Ring, I’m thinking of setting it some years prior so we can explore some of the early to middle years of Saruman harrying the Riddermark, and then delving into the events of the war itself.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to adjust Oaths of the Riddermark accordingly to fit what I’m doing when it comes out, and I’m thinking of weaving in some of the story inspiration I’ve gotten from Lord of the Rings Online and its portrayal of Rohan. I always like to get suggestions from outside sources whenever I’m planning big stories such as this, so does anyone have any advice/suggestions for adjusting the material in Horse-lords of Rohan to fit better with this idea? I’m not opposed to bending canon slightly, though I prefer to keep major plot points intact.
Campaign Advice - Rohan
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