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Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:21 am
by Marko
This is something I rather ignored so far, as I’m unsure what it’s about.
What is the Company Objective for? I know it’s used when giving the heroes XP, but why is there a need to make this explicit?
I can see how this could be relevant in a rather free-roam game, where there is not really a scripted adventure, but TOR doesn’t really strike me as such a game. And when using a (more or less) scripted adventure, the Company Objective is clear in most cases.
How do you handle this? Do you spend time talking about the Company Objective when using a scripted adventure?
Thanks a lot!
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:17 am
by Hermes Serpent
Different heroes may have different personal objectives but the company has to agree to do something together or it isn't a very successful company. Personal objectives are going to be brought out from backstory and callings plus maybe traits. Company Objectives would be MIssion Tasks and count towards getting XP as in advancing the plot towards the objectives.
I'd explain what the Objectives that had been agreed contributed when handing out XP and possibly also when providing guidance or getting the plot back on target. In that case it would probably be a chat with a mentor or questgiver or some other wise person.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:55 am
by Lofar
I had the same question as Marko. For our last session, I encouraged a Company Objective that was something like a short-term goal for the mission. We played "The Marsh-Bell", and they company chose as their objective "find traces of Balin and Oin, or any hints about what could have happened to them". I thought that worked well for our first session, but am a bit stuck for the second session. We stopped after the Troll, so the next session is going to finish the adventure, and I can't think of any Company Objective that would differ from the task for the mission (find Balin and Oin). And Company Objective = Task is too simplistic to provide for additional story-telling. Any thoughts? Maybe the solution IS incorporating the characters' personal motives, but on a combined level. I can't quite see what that would be, though.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:09 pm
by Hermes Serpent
Maybe a Company Objective of 'Finding out why the Shadow has returned to Mirkwood' would give a campaign arc Objective that would do for several adventures during multiple years. Something that doesn't have to be rethought every new session.
If you are following the recommendations in the AB then it might be for session one of Marsh Bell 'Seeking the fate of the Dwarves', session two might be 'Does the Troll have anything to do with the dwarves disappearing?' Session three might be 'Getting the dwarves back to Erebor' or 'Investigating the origin of the Marsh Dwellers'. After that you could add a session 'New messengers to the Eagles' or 'Is the old dwarf road safe to use?'
It shouldn't be too hard if you limit the objective to what you expect to achieve in the current or current and next sessions. If sessions are too short or too long things might be harder but not demonstrably so.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:53 pm
by Marko
My group isn’t really into the roleplaying part (we don’t always speak in first person; we often narrate what the characters have done, rather than playing it out), so our adventures tend to be rather short, like 1–2 sessions. The Marsh-bell, for example, has been done in one session. Words of the Wise was two sessions. Recently, we played Don’t Leave The Path in one session (but my players skipped a lot, [SPOILERS!] they bypassed the spiders and they ran away from the hermit).
We never really had a need to formulate an objective. It always has been the objective of the adventure and the whole company wanted to do exactly that.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:15 pm
by Hermes Serpent
Some people will try to tell you that your way is not the correct way to play but you can safely ignore them as they can't send the M-e E police after you for not playing to canon with squeaky voices
If your players are having fun then don't bother with forcing Objectives on them. Objectives seem to be a mechanism for the LM to monitor how the players are progressing and to give milestones for XP awards.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:20 pm
by Marko
@Hermes: Of course. I was just wondering if I missed something about the Company Objective.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:10 pm
by Stormcrow
The company objective is meant to be a short- or mid-term goal, used to earn the supplementary experience point each session. You get the point if you make significant progress toward the company objective. If your company objective is "find the dwarves who went missing while searching for a way through Mirkwood," and you end the game session having successfully tracked them as far as the wounded troll, that's significant progress. You get the point, and next session you can keep that objective. You don't need to change the objective until you complete it or it becomes impossible.
Re: Company Objective
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:20 pm
by Láthspell
I often find myself in agreement with Stormcrow's assessment.
In any case, if you're looking for bigger objectives consider this: reestablishing diplomatic relations between the Free Peoples of Wilderland. The current mission objectives and personal missions can then fall into this larger objective.
Big Picture: Reestablish Civilization in the Wild
Current Objective: Find Lost Dwarves (who were on a diplomatic mission to the Eagles)
Barding player's goal: Establish Trade Routes between Dale and the Woodmen.
Dwarf player's goal: Discover and rebuild the lost Dwarven mansions in the Grey and Misty Mountains.
Woodwoman player's goal: Gain economic aid for her people.
Thus you can have a lot of interconnecting goals all of which fall under the general goal of Reestablishing Civilization. The Woodwoman and the Barding might see their goals as mutually compatible though their motives are undoubtedly rather different. The Dwarf might be in the group because he needs support in finding the lost mansions, and if looking to curry favor with Gloin, while helping the Barding create prosperity that will be necessary to get his expedition off the ground.