From the perspective of the mechanics what you are stating is that Aragorn has a high standing in Bree but is currently not using it because he is incognito.Stormcrow wrote:If Strider the Ranger hides his Wisdom and Valour from the Bree-folk, then any encounters he has with them will be based on the very low score (1) that he appears to be.
The moment he says, "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur, Lord of the Dunedain," he gets his full score.
Wisdom is a measure of self-understanding and capability (page 25) while Valour is according to its description 'Stature as a doer of deeds' (sounds a bit like standing to me, but as it is not I take this to be 'knowing one end of a sword from the other') and courage. As such these are qualities that somebody meeting the person would be quickly able to surmise from their bearing and how they spoke. As such under the current mechanics Aragorn gets a tolerance of either his Wisdom or Valour without his standing bonus because he was not saying who he was.
Whereas if the mechanic was Zero for standing (because he is incognito) with a +2 Tolerance for having greater than 3 in both Wisdom and Valour, you still get somebody you wouldn't immediately discount without having to ignore the fundamental mechanics to make it work.