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Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:26 pm
by farinal

Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:29 am
by michaelcurtis
Personally, I'd love to see a compiled book of adversaries that collects all the foes from the core rules and supplements--plus a some new ones--into a single text. I've got a lot of them printed out and tucked into the back of my campaign notebook, but I'd love a collated and organized volume to have on hand.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:31 am
by Glorelendil
michaelcurtis wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:29 am
Personally, I'd love to see a compiled book of adversaries that collects all the foes from the core rules and supplements--plus a some new ones--into a single text. I've got a lot of them printed out and tucked into the back of my campaign notebook, but I'd love a collated and organized volume to have on hand.
I'd pay money for a book* that was nothing but a trove of interesting LMCs. Villains, allies, rivals, travelers, traders, artisans, spies, messengers, etc. etc. etc. From all over Wilderland, Eriador, Rohan, and beyond. One per page, each with an illustration and a story.
*Take that with a grain of salt, given that I would pay money for any TOR book that C7 publishes.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:25 am
by Fenton Hardy
Moria was at the top of my list but that will be fulfilled soon. I'd also love to see something like the thirty year campaign of Darkening of Mirkwood applied to another region of Middle Earth. Though it is an odd choice, I'd love to see something on the Forodwaith but there is probably too little material to make supplement. Maybe it could be included in an adventure series that fills in some settling information.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:28 am
by Otaku-sempai
Fenton Hardy wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:25 am
Moria was at the top of my list but that will be fulfilled soon. I'd also love to see something like the thirty year campaign of Darkening of Mirkwood applied to another region of Middle Earth. Though it is an odd choice, I'd love to see something on the Forodwaith but there is probably too little material to make supplement. Maybe it could be included in an adventure series that fills in some settling information.
I can easily see something resembling a thirty-year campaign for Gondor.
As long as it includes Forochel and the Lossoth as a Culture, a Forodwaith sourcebook that includes several adventures would certainly be possible. However, I am slightly biased as I've already written home-brewed content for Forochel/Forodwaith and the Lossoth. I"m sure it could use some more fine-tuning but, hopefully, it will show up in a future issue of
Hall of Fire.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:59 am
by Rich H
I just tell Jon what I want next for my campaign and he seems to oblige.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:46 am
by Falenthal
Rich H wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:59 am
I just tell Jon what I want next for my campaign and he seems to oblige.
You might be a very powerful puppeteer...
...or some kind of buddhist: better to love what you are given, than to demand what you want.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:51 am
by Rich H
Falenthal wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:46 am
Rich H wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:59 am
I just tell Jon what I want next for my campaign and he seems to oblige.
You might be a very powerful puppeteer...
...or some kind of buddhist: better to love what you are given, than to demand what you want.
Or Jon's some kind of mind reader.
That'd be it.
It's likely the latter though, well except the buddhist bit, I really don't have a personal wishlist - it's all awesome stuff.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:29 pm
by Fenton Hardy
Otaku-sempai wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:28 am
Fenton Hardy wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:25 am
Moria was at the top of my list but that will be fulfilled soon. I'd also love to see something like the thirty year campaign of Darkening of Mirkwood applied to another region of Middle Earth. Though it is an odd choice, I'd love to see something on the Forodwaith but there is probably too little material to make supplement. Maybe it could be included in an adventure series that fills in some settling information.
I can easily see something resembling a thirty-year campaign for Gondor.
As long as it includes Forochel and the Lossoth as a Culture, a Forodwaith sourcebook that includes several adventures would certainly be possible. However, I am slightly biased as I've already written home-brewed content for Forochel/Forodwaith and the Lossoth. I"m sure it could use some more fine-tuning but, hopefully, it will show up in a future issue of
Hall of Fire.
Oh cool, I can't wait to see your material published in the
Hall of Fire. I once sketched out an adventure set among the Lossoth but the game stalled before we fairly got started and I shelved it without getting very far. I'll wait until your material is available before revising what I have.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:53 pm
by Geomtje
Something like a Mordor region guide. Or a monster source book would be cool imo. With all the baddies and some more combined in one book plus some extra info on the evil of Middle Earth.
Or an Adventure book that would have you meet some heroes during the LotR. Like being part of Faramir’s forces when encountering Frodo and Sam, ride out with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli to Helms Deep or meet any of the hobbits while regaining the Shire. Something along those lines.