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Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:59 pm
by frodolives
I would love to see stuff covering areas not detailed in LOTR, such as Tharbad, the Blue Mountains, Rhun, Belfalas, etc. What would you like to see?
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:43 pm
by Otaku-sempai
I'm hoping that the so far officially unannounced Bree book covers the remainder of Eriador, the Blue Mountains and Lindon, much as the Rivendell volume covered Eastern Eriador. I presume that there are plans for a Gondor sourcebook. And at least a booklet on Lothlórien.
Beyond the above, I would definitely like to see coverage of the Sea of Rhûn including Dorwinion and the surrounding regions. Also a book detailing Haradwaith and Umbar with a focus on the City of the Corsairs. And what Loremaster wouldn't want a book about Mordor and Khand?
Pipedreams (probably out-of-bounds): Beleriand; Númenor; the Undying Lands.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:45 pm
by Brandiwise
1. Bree (including Western Eriador)
2. Gondor and the South (I have an idea of a campaign to follow Thorongil as he takes on the Corsairs of Umbar)
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:35 pm
by Halbarad
Some news on Oaths of the Riddermark would be nice.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:31 pm
by Falenthal
Halbarad wrote:Some news on Oaths of the Riddermark would be nice.
I was thinking the same.
And Lórien.
And Dorwinion.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:37 am
by skywalker
I would personally like:
Region Books
- Bree and Western Eriador
- Moria and Lothlorien
- Gondor
- Mordor
and an adventure book for each.
Campaign Books
- Errantries of the King
- War of the Ring
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:48 am
by Tantavalist
Setting books are great to have and I'm sure we'll eventually get somethin for all the iconic locations of Middle-Earth. But my own biggest wish-list would consist of "More Campaign Books".
More than any other book that the TOR line has produced, The Darkening of Mirkwood sold me on the line. I'm a big fan of the Great Pendragon Campaign (and managed to run it over a two year period of real time), and it's clear that this is the big inspiration for DoM.
Having other similarly well produced campaigns would trump anything else that Cubicle 7 could produce for me.
Aside from that...
If we're going for anything we can imagine, then some material to set games in the First or Second Ages would be fun too. While MERP was completely the wrong system to run Middle-Earth games with, their default time period did have a lot to reccomend it. And having a DoM-type campaign running through the Silmarillion period?
Campaigns set in the between-books era do seem more realistic though, unless C7 has the license for a very long time.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:01 am
by Otaku-sempai
How did I forget Moria? Well, as someone suggested, it might be paired with Lórien.
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:57 am
by Glorelendil
I mostly just want adventures.
Moria Campaign
A campaign for new characters set in Eriador.
Greydelve (with a tie-in to Bilbo's unspecified adventures and dangers on his return from Erebor)
Re: Your personal wishlist for TOR books
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:11 am
by SirGalrim
1. Bree & The Shire! (With the rest of Western Eriador included or as it's own supplement, especially with Annúminas and Fornost. Executed at the level of description as Wilderland and Rohan. Not how regions where described in the Rivendell supplement.)
2. Adventure book for Western Eriador
3. Region book for Rhûn
4. Lorien & Moria
5. Gondor
6. Adventure book for Gondor
7. Mordor & Harad
8. War of the Ring Campaign