Your favorite published campaign?
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:54 pm
Your favorite published campaign?
Of The Darkening of Mirkwood, Ruins of the North, and Tales From Wilderland, which is your favorite for an ongoing campaign?
Re: Your favorite published campaign?
Darkening of Mirkwood. It provide a strong frame of event to turn around or dive in 

Nothing of Worth.
Re: Your favorite published campaign?
I think, that is not a fair question, because of the mentioned books only one is a real campaign:
The darkening of Mirkwood
So the best campaign is the only campaign..!
Yes, in TftW are most of the adventures linked someway (i do not want to spoiler here, so i leave it there), but that is no real campaign. RotN on the other hand has no theme, but beeing in Eriador...
So maybe one could ask, what the players here like most of the published adventure books.
But naming them campaigns and then compare them seems a little forced...
The darkening of Mirkwood
So the best campaign is the only campaign..!
Yes, in TftW are most of the adventures linked someway (i do not want to spoiler here, so i leave it there), but that is no real campaign. RotN on the other hand has no theme, but beeing in Eriador...
So maybe one could ask, what the players here like most of the published adventure books.
But naming them campaigns and then compare them seems a little forced...
Re: Your favorite published campaign?
If you're beginning your games with TOR, and want something that helps the LM play right away, without having to take care of coming up with adventures every session, the Tales of Wilderland is the sure choice: 7 adventures fully detailed, so that the LM only has to worry about learning the rules and setting the atmosphere. The plots, the tolkien themes, the application of the rules to the story and the situations,... all this is already there, made for you. And the adventures are superb.
Once the LM has already a grasp on how the system works, and how his group plays with the TOR mechanics, then go for Darkening of Mirkwood. It's a great campaign, that allows some "movement" in the story depending on the actions and decissions of the players. That also means that the LM needs to put some work between adventures and adapt or develop some plots only hinted in the book.
My last choice would be Ruins of the North: some good adventures, but unrelated between them, and also all of them needing of some before and after adventures to make sense. It requires a lot of work on behalf of the LM to work well. Also, because they have a higher than average difficulty, they aren't fit for one-shots with inexperienced players (or heroes).
I'm eagerly waiting for Oaths of the Riddermark: it promises to be a middle-ground between Tales and Darkening. A short campaign, but with all adventures fully detailed and a continuous plot intervowen into them. Or that's the idea I have of that supplement.
Once the LM has already a grasp on how the system works, and how his group plays with the TOR mechanics, then go for Darkening of Mirkwood. It's a great campaign, that allows some "movement" in the story depending on the actions and decissions of the players. That also means that the LM needs to put some work between adventures and adapt or develop some plots only hinted in the book.
My last choice would be Ruins of the North: some good adventures, but unrelated between them, and also all of them needing of some before and after adventures to make sense. It requires a lot of work on behalf of the LM to work well. Also, because they have a higher than average difficulty, they aren't fit for one-shots with inexperienced players (or heroes).
I'm eagerly waiting for Oaths of the Riddermark: it promises to be a middle-ground between Tales and Darkening. A short campaign, but with all adventures fully detailed and a continuous plot intervowen into them. Or that's the idea I have of that supplement.
Re: Your favorite published campaign?
I echo much of what Falenthal said. I haven't played or run any of Ruins yet, but both of the others are outstanding.
There's much more detail (and less work for the LM) in Tales from Wilderland, but both are outstanding adventures. I recommend starting with Tales (potentially interweaving the short adventures from Darkening at the same time), as it's better for newer LMs and beginning characters.
There's much more detail (and less work for the LM) in Tales from Wilderland, but both are outstanding adventures. I recommend starting with Tales (potentially interweaving the short adventures from Darkening at the same time), as it's better for newer LMs and beginning characters.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
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