where can i find gameplay-videos?
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:53 pm
So, Another newbie qestion.
Reading, and discussing about, ToR gives the impression that the gameplay somewhat stands out from other fantasy-themed RPG's. Emphasis is laid on the players narrating their on successful dicerolls (whereas usually the GM describes the outcome of the players actions). Also there is a lot ot "mini-games" within the game, where both journeys, encounters and the aftermath of an adventure has it's own specifik rules and schedules. Usually, only combat breaks up the normal narrative flow of a pen-and-paper rpg in this way.
This is not news to you guys, but it's news to our group. So my question is: is there any entertaining videos where you can actually see a group of experienced ToR-players, and studie exactly how they go about it? (Nota benne; I don't like watching "skype*, or internet, sessions. I want the real, "around-the-tabely"-feel) Exactley how do they "play" out the encounters and journeys? Can you guys point me towards any such videos/clips?
Reading, and discussing about, ToR gives the impression that the gameplay somewhat stands out from other fantasy-themed RPG's. Emphasis is laid on the players narrating their on successful dicerolls (whereas usually the GM describes the outcome of the players actions). Also there is a lot ot "mini-games" within the game, where both journeys, encounters and the aftermath of an adventure has it's own specifik rules and schedules. Usually, only combat breaks up the normal narrative flow of a pen-and-paper rpg in this way.
This is not news to you guys, but it's news to our group. So my question is: is there any entertaining videos where you can actually see a group of experienced ToR-players, and studie exactly how they go about it? (Nota benne; I don't like watching "skype*, or internet, sessions. I want the real, "around-the-tabely"-feel) Exactley how do they "play" out the encounters and journeys? Can you guys point me towards any such videos/clips?