Interesting. I don't see Celeborn and Galadriel giving in to a demand for their daughter's hand, particularly if Celebrían objected to the union. What were her feelings about it? Perhaps she was forcibly abducted which would also put Gondor at odds with the Elf-kingdom of Lórien.Tarondor wrote: ↑Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:12 pmIn fact, the Valar are quite concerned and send the Istari to Middle-Earth a thousand years early. Isildur demands and receives the hand of Celebrian in marriage, setting him against Elrond from the start.
I think of it like King Arthur's court at its height, with a different cancer (the One Ring) eating at its heart. Sooner or later, the PC's are going to have to decide between their oaths to the king and doing the right thing.
Well, the only hobbits would be the Wild Hobbits of the Anduin. The Dwarves would still dwell in Khazad-dûm (with some remaining in the southern Blue Mountains), so you might want one of the old Moria supplements either from MERP or Decipher's LotR rpg. The Beornings don't exist yet, though the ancestors of Beorn himself should be around somewhere. The precursors of the Rohirrim would still dwell on the plains east of Rhovanion. No Dale. No Esgaroth (or possibly a tiny fishing village on the shore of Long Lake). Thranduil's folk would not yet have retreated to the northern Greenwood.I'm not sure if the campaign ends with the PC's as The Fellowship, trying to destroy the Ring, or the PC's trying to somehow alter the course of the past to "correct" the time line. The latter seems satisfying in a narrative sense, but may not feel like a story Tolkien would write.
Finally, I am concerned about the characters. Clearly some would be Dúnedain. Others might be Noldorin elves. But if still others are Middle-Men, dwarves, hobbits, elves of Greenwood, etc., the power curve might be noticeably altered. Is it enough to give the "lesser" races some XP advancement? Would the "feel" of Middle-Earth be preserved? I'm not experienced enough with The One Ring to know how tinkering with the basics will affect the story.
I want an epic tale, but even more I want the story to feel like Professor Tolkien might have written it. Any advice will be gratefully received.
Arnor is still around. Perhaps Isildur is beginning to perceive the North Kingdom as a threat and/or harboring ambitions to rule it for himself.