Hi everyone
For the last year or so (on and off) I've been working on bringing to of my favourite gaming systems together: Games workshops "The Hobbit" Strategy Battle Game and "The One Ring".
I've been playing SBG since the Fellowship of the Ring and I love the game. However, when I discovered the "One Ring" RPG a few years ago I fell in love with the setting of Wilderland and when it is set. I instantly wanted to be able to play an army of Woodmen or Beornings in my SBG games.
Anyway, that's what I hope I've achieved in my book which I will be sharing on May 1st
This is a link to my Facebook Page:
https://www.facebook.com/Middle-Earth-S ... 4/?fref=nf
"Battles in Wilderland" - tabletop adaption
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