Questions - Returning to TOR - still new LM
Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 8:44 pm
Hello all!
I have a few questions. I dabbled in TOR a while back but my one game I did as a LM did not go well and made me realize I needed to learn more. I am a huge LotR fan, however and despite that, I'm back into it and I've purchased every book in the line.
Being new, I still have a few questions and things I was hoping to get an opinion on. This list is rather random, so I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Thank you in advance!
1.) Core Rulebook Combat example
OK, I feel like this question is a simple one...but I've been back and forth through the rulebook and I feel like I must be missing the relevant rule.
The combat example on page 183 says:
2.) I've been gobbling up any content I can find. I found that the main FAQ seems to say that the GenCon "official" scenarios are unavailable. I was able to find Words of the Wise. Are there others out there available? Or perhaps someone could PM me if they have them?
3.) I'm looking for some quality TOR actual play podcasts, but the one I did find you cannot download from anymore. (Oracle Game Network) - Does anyone have the audio files for this or any suggestions of good actual plays? Also, is someone here part of the "The One Podcast"? I found that podcast helpful, but I'm curious as to why they stopped recording?
4.) I have the current loremaster screen. What would you recommend as LM that I print and have handy as well (list of tables etc?)
5.) Does the community agree on a great player aid that's out there? Something that clarifies combat and other rules like traits to new players/LM?
6.) Also, I see the Resources thread and was very excited about it...but over 75% of the links are dead. Is that something we could update as a community? I was super excited to see all the goodies there and then super let-down I couldn't find most of them! lol
I'm sure I'll have lots of other questions in the future. BTW, I did use the search function and looked for most of this stuff...and I've read over 100 threads just trying to figure stuff out - so if I missed a thread that addresses my questions I appologize!
Thank you so much!
Edit to add #6
I have a few questions. I dabbled in TOR a while back but my one game I did as a LM did not go well and made me realize I needed to learn more. I am a huge LotR fan, however and despite that, I'm back into it and I've purchased every book in the line.
Being new, I still have a few questions and things I was hoping to get an opinion on. This list is rather random, so I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Thank you in advance!
1.) Core Rulebook Combat example
OK, I feel like this question is a simple one...but I've been back and forth through the rulebook and I feel like I must be missing the relevant rule.
The combat example on page 183 says:
I can't for the life of me figure out how an extraordinary success allows an additional attack. Where is the relevant rule that I'm missing??"The Attercop’s primary attack is Ensnare, a favoured ability: it adds its Attribute level of 3 to its roll against its TN 16, scoring an extraordinary success! Unfortunately for the Bride, not only is she caught in the sticky web of the Attercop using its Seize Victim power, but the spider tries immediately to sting her! The Loremaster rolls for the sting attack, again a favoured ability: the roll is a hit."
2.) I've been gobbling up any content I can find. I found that the main FAQ seems to say that the GenCon "official" scenarios are unavailable. I was able to find Words of the Wise. Are there others out there available? Or perhaps someone could PM me if they have them?
3.) I'm looking for some quality TOR actual play podcasts, but the one I did find you cannot download from anymore. (Oracle Game Network) - Does anyone have the audio files for this or any suggestions of good actual plays? Also, is someone here part of the "The One Podcast"? I found that podcast helpful, but I'm curious as to why they stopped recording?
4.) I have the current loremaster screen. What would you recommend as LM that I print and have handy as well (list of tables etc?)
5.) Does the community agree on a great player aid that's out there? Something that clarifies combat and other rules like traits to new players/LM?
6.) Also, I see the Resources thread and was very excited about it...but over 75% of the links are dead. Is that something we could update as a community? I was super excited to see all the goodies there and then super let-down I couldn't find most of them! lol
I'm sure I'll have lots of other questions in the future. BTW, I did use the search function and looked for most of this stuff...and I've read over 100 threads just trying to figure stuff out - so if I missed a thread that addresses my questions I appologize!
Thank you so much!
Edit to add #6