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Immersionist friendly house rules

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:38 am
by windsurfjunkie
I have been LM'ing TOR for over a year now, and have adjusted the game rules according to my and the players' immersionist tendencies. This does not mean any sort of LARPing going on! ...Just getting into character and playing ALL interactions, throughout a session. In the end I am a HUGE Tolkien fan and have read all of his works. My game is always about the story line to me.
My gaming background goes back 30 years to original 'Chainmail' by Gary Gygax, evolving into some gaming systems like MERP and Harn. These house rules are not for everyone's taste for sure, but have a look if you like a detailed, flowing storyline that is driven by character interaction at every level of play (adventuring phase), mirroring Tolkien's epic books as close as possible.
Please have a browse and give me your feedback. I thoroughly enjoy this system, but have even made some more changes, ones I have not included in my House rules. I think overall I have kept the wonderful spirit of TOR alive despite my changes.
Here is the link: ... ules2.docx
If this link does not work, forgive me, and inform me of the problem; I am new at Dropbox.

Re: Immersionist friendly house rules

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:57 pm
by Rich H
Not sure I really understand all of these windsurfjunkie - perhaps you need to just take another look, read them again, and attempt to clarify clean up some of the wording?

I do quite like some of them though...

Longevity Races is a nice, simple, and clean solution to presenting characters of greater power and bearing.

Attacks w/Torches vs Creatures w/Fear of Fire is an interesting idea but I'd perhaps go with a simpler option of maybe making the creature Wearied as long as they are facing at least one opponent in close combat with a flaming torch, etc.

The Light of the Valar is a nice addition. Again, rather than the first option listed I'd go with making such creatures Wearied. Seems easier to apply that having to half all those stats.

Keep it up! I like reading other peoples' alterations.

Re: Immersionist friendly house rules

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:07 am
by windsurfjunkie
Great to hear some feedback, Rich! Thank you. I know, some of the wording needs editing for sure...

I like your idea of just making opponents with fear of fire wearied when attacking them with torches. The halving of Hate was meant to weaken their resolve and use of special abilities; the halving of attribute level was meant to weaken the impact of favoured abilities, but being wearied does that.
These ideas were the same for attacks using the Light of the Valar against certain opponents, limiting everything they do, but just being weary may be an easier option.
It is fun to see other people's ideas for this great game. Glad you enjoyed reading mine.