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Adventure timeline?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:56 am
by daddystabz
Has anyone out there put together an adventure timeline for all the published adventures and fan-made ones for when each should be run to go down a timeline chronologically?

Re: Adventure timeline?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:52 am
by Valarian
There was one for Tales of Wilderland. Can't remember if it was on this forum or the old one.

Re: Adventure timeline?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:10 am
by Hermes Serpent
I think this is what was calculated as the best choice of adventures by date in the older forum.
Spring T.A. 2946 TOR start point - Marsh Bell - Start/end Esgaroth
Summer/Autumn 2946 Don't Leave the Path - start Esgaroth/Thranduil's Court - end Forest Gate
November 2946 Gathering of the Five Armies/Council of the North
Autumn/Winter 2946 Watch on Dol Guldur - ???
Spring 2947 Words of the Wise (Rhosgobel) - start/end Rhosgobel
Summer 2947 Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbits - start/end Easterly Inn/Forest Gate
Spring 2948 Kinstrife and Dark Tidings - start/end near Beorn's Hall
Autumn 2948 Those who Tarry No Longer - start near Forest Gate but could be anywhere along northern/western edge of Mirkwood
Summer 2949 A Darkness in the Marshes - start Rhosgobel end Mountain Hall
End of November 2949 Crossings of Celduin - start Dale/River Running - end
Winter 2949/2950 The Watch on the Heath - start Dale - end Zirakinbar
2950 The Darkening of Mirkwood -

Re: Adventure timeline?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:15 am
by Andrew
Timeline for Darkening is 2947-2977, if you want to add that to the list.

Re: Adventure timeline?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:38 am
by Hermes Serpent
Thanks Andrew, I'll update my copy for future reference as someone always asks, I think there's at least three messages posted in the last two days asking the same question.