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Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:02 am
by Trotter
I haven't had the opportunity to play, but I've tried to stay on top of the rules since the game was first released. I'm sure that's why I don't understand thisformyself page 8:
"This value is comparable to the Target Number for an action, in the sense that a low number is preferable to a high number."
How did I miss this? I thought you always wanted to roll high. Also, when does this come up, when a player wants to attempt to gain a holding? I like the idea of "player housing" so to speak, I'm just not sure how this is meant to be used, at least initially. I definitely understand the great roleplaying opportunities for giving players a steak in the goings on in their corners of Middle-earth.
Of course, between juggling this, the Bernstein Bears, Runaway Bunny, and a growing list of books for my sweet little Saxon, maybe I just have daddy-brain. I certainly been able to give this book more five minutes of undivided attention. Thanks for any help! (Any typos I blame on my son, who keeps jumping on me.)
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:06 am
by Glorelendil
You want a low TN, and yes you also want to roll high.
So by having a low TN for your holding it makes it easier to succeed at your rolls.
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:35 am
by Trotter
Right. So is it the Minimum Score you're trying too meet/beat? I was looking at the Rating. What's the Rating, then? I did read the paragraph, but how do you use it?
Also, how do you first use this to introduce it into the game? Do the players spend treasure?
I'm sure all these things must be obvious, but I'm just not getting it. Thanks for your patience. If this keeps up, when the next boy gets here on Feb 7 I'll get even dumber.
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:42 am
by Rich H
Trotter wrote:Right. So is it the Minimum Score you're trying too meet/beat? I was looking at the Rating. What's the Rating, then? I did read the paragraph, but how do you use it?
The Rating is the TN the character has to roll over to obtain bonus Treasure.
The Minimum Score is the minimum score in Standing a character must have to own such a Holding.
At a basic level, each year, your Holding will produce wealth or cost money to keep it running based on a Feat Die roll compared to the Holding's Rating. Other options beyond this result in non-monetary bonuses (or drawbacks). If a character also has an associated Speciality then the rules allow the opportunity to gain an AP related to the associated Common Skill during the last Fellowship Phase of each year.
Trotter wrote:Also, how do you first use this to introduce it into the game? Do the players spend treasure?
I suppose they can obtain a Holding through purchase but other (more preferable?) suggestions are through inheritance, gifts, rewards, or even discovering old, deserted, or abandoned ones.
So Holdings tie the character(s) to the land, require commitment and responsibility, may provide advantages and/or disadvantages, and also allow the Loremaster to develop plot-hooks and events tied directly to the character and his Holding.
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:30 am
by Trotter
I think I'm starting to get it. It does make perfect sense that that the Rating should decrease as the holding becomes a greater source of profit. Thanks, Rich!
As for introducing holdings, I understand the purpose (and love it). I just wasn't sure if there was some mechanic I was missing from the core books, or if maybe it should be done in a specific phase of the game.
I really wish I could play this. <sigh>
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:47 am
by Rich H
Trotter wrote:As for introducing holdings, I understand the purpose (and love it). I just wasn't sure if there was some mechanic I was missing from the core books, or if maybe it should be done in a specific phase of the game.
You're not missing anything, it's basically up to the Loremaster to introduce opportunities for the characters to acquire Holdings or for players to take some narrative control and do the same.
Trotter wrote:I really wish I could play this. <sigh>
You have my sympathies. It must be difficult just reading about a game when the material is so engaging and of such a high standard.
Gareth (beyond Francesco, the main author of the TOR supplements) will be an exceptionally difficult act to follow - I'm amazed at the quality of work he has produced for this game along with others such as The Laundry. He's an exceptional RPG writer.
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:03 am
by Trotter
Thanks again, Rich.
You're absolutely right about the quality of the material. It amazes me that while Tolkien desired to have others write stories in his world this is the closest we can get. When it's this good, I'll take it. Even though I don't have a group right now, the quality of my daydreams has gone way up. Someday my boys will be old enough to play, so the plan is to have my wife keep giving birth to my very own RP group. I'm just kidding. Not really. Totally serious.
The Laundry Files are on my audiobook list. I figure if C7 is bothering with a game, the source must be good.
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:04 am
by Rich H
Trotter wrote:The Laundry Files are on my audiobook list. I figure if C7 is bothering with a game, the source must be good.
Highly recommend them. Very amusing and highly entertaining.
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:32 am
by Ferretz
I really like the rules for Holdings. I could see more options added to it at a later point, using the core rules with Rating and Minimum score.
I have one question, though. When you roll a Gandalf rune at the year's end, and the rating is lowered by 1 (to a minimum of 3), is this then connected to the Minimum Score? Would the character require the minimum of Standing or Valour to gain this new rating?
Re: Rules for Holdings - help me understand
Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:11 am
by aramis
Ferretz wrote:I really like the rules for Holdings. I could see more options added to it at a later point, using the core rules with Rating and Minimum score.
I have one question, though. When you roll a Gandalf rune at the year's end, and the rating is lowered by 1 (to a minimum of 3), is this then connected to the Minimum Score? Would the character require the minimum of Standing or Valour to gain this new rating?
I find myself wondering the same, and whether or not having the correct specialty should affect it. (For now, I'm planning specialty allowing one to ignore the 1-2 penalty.)