Help me out to figure if One Ring is a game for us

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Re: Help me out to figure if One Ring is a game for us

Post by Elmoth » Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:49 pm

We use miniatrues to diplay a visual of the battle (or drawings on a sheet of paper if massive battle), buit they do not have much of a real impact on the gameplay, only as a surroundings impresion.

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Re: Help me out to figure if One Ring is a game for us

Post by SirKicley » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:02 pm

I agree that "grid" and tactical movement system a la D&D 3rd + edition is worth it in TOR. Square peg round hole issue.

I do however think that some battles can be represented well if drawn. We did that for the ring-fort that the heroes had to protect in Stewed Hobbits adventure. Most combats are done purely in the mind, though I may draw an illustration to better explain a complex environment.

I prefer instead to do it all mental - and it's quicker. A few times, what I have done is layed out a "model" of the envirornment. I set it up ahead of time.

My kids have had a number of projects in schools of building "missionary models" a long house model etc etc. We have all sorts of green felt foundations, and plastic trees, shrubs, etc all the fixings, well, wagon, etc. I have used them to have a model built out. I used the plastic miniatures I have from my D&D miniatures sets and set them out on there - not to have a dynamic moving combat but to show where they are as part of the description and allow the battle to proceed abstractly from there. I've done this three times - each was a rather large-scale battle, and each have had good results and well-appreciated by the guys.


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