Elfcrusher wrote:In another thread there's been a discussion of what TOR's Moria could be like. The problem, of course, is that Moria is really too dangerous for normal adventurers.Bomilkar wrote:I love the idea of having a deeper insight into the inner workings of Mordor and orc society. In Tolkien's works there are not many moments when we get such insights, but when they occur they are rather intriguing as they give 'the enemy' more character. When orcs talk with each other they do indeed seemed like a mix between Victorian street thugs and First World War trenchers - especially when they bring up references to those higher in the hierarchy (e. g. 'Lugburz').
I was re-reading MERP's Moria, and one thing I liked was their description of three different factions of Orcs, and the rivalries/wars between them. Maybe one way adventurers could survive in Moria is by exploiting factional divisions. I'm working on some ideas around this; perhaps I'll try to write it up and post it.
There is some of this orc factions distinctions found within the LOTRO game with each having distinct aspects, and not always working together.