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Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:43 am
by HorusZA
I've been looking at using FG2 to play TOR online, but my Google-Fu isn't turning up any information on a rule-set for it.
Does anyone know if such a thing exists or will it be a DIY job?
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:25 am
by Rubycon
For me, it doesn't look like you need an implemented rule set for playing TOR with fantasy grounds. Although it would be nice to have the dices and Charakter sheets. Maybe it is possible to adapt these things.
I personally would prefer roll20, I like the option to actually speak during gaming.
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:12 am
by HorusZA
Rubycon wrote:For me, it doesn't look like you need an implemented rule set for playing TOR with fantasy grounds. Although it would be nice to have the dices and Charakter sheets. Maybe it is possible to adapt these things.
I personally would prefer roll20, I like the option to actually speak during gaming.
You're 100% right but I believe that good aesthetics add to the game experience and I have a vague memory of seeing screenshots of a TOR rule-set which looked really, really nice...
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:35 am
by Hermes Serpent
The one player here who has been promoting FG play has had his home brewed interface rejected by FG possibly over confusion between the interface for an RPG and a video game with the licensing people.
Sounds like M-e E has raised it's ugly lack of knowledge about our niche industry again.
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:21 am
by StuartJ
Valarian has posted
screenshots of his TOR rule-set to the One Ring Google+ community, and they do indeed look really, really nice. Check the comments on the photos for details about access, or perhaps he will chip into this thread too!
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:28 pm
by Matchstick
There's also a "Fantasy Grounds RPG Group" Community on Google+ that Valerian was nice enough to invite me to. More information about downloading the ruleset can be found there.
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:03 pm
by Valarian
Be aware that this is a community ruleset (an official one was ruled out) and, therefore does not contain any of the rules libraries a
Fantasy Grounds commercial set would have. It has a Character Sheet, NPC Sheet and the combat tracker will handle The One Ring combat stances for initiative. I've made some recent changes to the character sheet to separate out the weapon skills and weapons.

Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:41 pm
by Valarian
There's an update (version 4) to the Foundations Core extension for The One Ring. The extension adds Eye of Sauron check marks against the common skills for those who have Rivendell and want to play High Elves.

Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:59 am
by shipwreck
So I got an online game going with some friends and we really like FG. The problem is that no one can pick a portrait! Has anyone else bumped into this problem?
Re: Playing TOR using Fantasy Grounds II
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:01 pm
by Valarian
Portraits are selected from the player's side, from the icon in the top right that looks like a single person head/shoulder. Clicking on that shows the images in the player's portraits folder. They can add their own images to the folder.
Players Side Image - Portraits