The current rules say (Adventurer's Guide 109), "A player-hero recovers one point of Hope at the end of a session if his Fellowship focus wasn’t wounded or otherwise harmed during play, and is in the same location as them.
A character gains one point of Shadow at the end of the session if his Fellowship focus was wounded, or three points if the focus was killed."
I would change "or otherwise harmed" to "or is not currently affected by a crippling attack (e.g. Orc-poison)."
I would also add that a character gains two points of Shadow if his Fellowship focus is captured or taken away for some reason.
So, here is how I would write things:
A player-hero recovers one point of Hope at the end of a session if his Fellowship focus meets all of the following criteria:
- He wasn’t wounded during play
- He is not currently affected by a crippling attack (e.g. Orc-poison)
- He is in the same location as the player-hero
- He was wounded (1 point)
- He was captured or taken away from the player-hero (2 points)
- He was killed (3 points)