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Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:40 pm
by Fire Broadside!
This seems to be as good a way to introduce yourself as any other. :)
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
I'm 35 and have been gaming since 1985.
- What RPG did you first start with?
My first RPG was the Swedish Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons) which was a fairly traditional fantasy rpg using the BRP system. You might think it was a D&D rip-off because of the name but it's actually a quite different beast.

- What kind of games have you played in the past?
I buy much more than I actually play but in my youth we worked through the major Swedish RPGs like Drakar och Demoner and Mutant (in its different incarnations) as well as translated versions of WEG's Star Wars and MERP. Call of Cthulhu and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay were my first two RPGs in English and we played both for quite some time. We also dabbled a bit in WoD, Vampire in particular, but never really played it for long (even though buying loads of books!).

I tried Dark Heresy for a bit, then WFRP3. Last few years roleplaying has been sparse, but I've managed to play a little Mouse Guard, Dungeon World and am right now gamemastering Torchbearer.
- Have your preferences changed over the years?
Yes and no. I've become more interested in innovative mechanics that you often find in "inde" games and reading The Burning Wheel and Mouse Guard really changed how I view roleplaying games in general. Getting introduced to FATE via Diaspora was also an eye opener.

However, thematically most settings interest me still.
- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
Besides the Swedish RPGs mentioned above the most memorable would have to be CoC and the 1st edition of WFRP. We had a lot of fun with both those games!
- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
In no particular order:

Mouse Guard (representing BWHQ in general)
The One Ring
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Call of Cthulhu

- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
In no particular order:

Death on the Reik
Tales from Wilderland
Beyond the Mountains of Madness
The Hindenburg trilogy (Swedish)
Delta Green

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:18 pm
by farinal
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?

23 this March. Playing for 10 years.

- What RPG did you first start with?

D&D 3.5

- What kind of games have you played in the past?

I like less combat oriented games.

- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?

Apart from TOR I like Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire.

- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?

- perhaps Pathfinder

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:23 am
by Hermes Serpent
Rich H wrote:How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
61...been role playing since Christmas1974, miniatures gaming since 1967 or so.
Rich H wrote:What RPG did you first start with?
D&D, the original one.
Rich H wrote:What kind of games have you played in the past?
Lot's of miniatures games, I was heavily into those when I started and have been playing those until recently when an unexpected move across the world left me figureless :-(. I also done lots of baordgames ans well as RPG's of all stripes.
Rich H wrote:Have your preferences changed over the years?
Yes. The split between miniatures and role play has varied from 703/30 to 50/50 and now 100% rpgs.
Rich H wrote:What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
1. FGU's Chivalry & Sorcery RPG (1st Edition) My brother played with Ed Simbalist and Wilf Bakcuswhen he moved to Canada and sent me the book as a birthday present. Always loved that game through four editions and have been on the margins of writing material over the last two and involved a bit in the new fifth edition
2. The One Ring RPG it's a game that represent everything Dave Arneson wanted when he insisted that Gary add non human races to D&D all those years ago.
3. Chaosium's BRP my goto system for everything in all it's various incarnations.
Rich H wrote:What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
1. Chaosium's Basic Role Playing(all Editions and variantss)
2. Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu (all variants but especially C7's Laundry which are such a good match to Charlies books
3. The One Ring RPG
4. FGU's Chivalry & Sorcery RPG (all Editions)
5. Traveller RPG
Rich H wrote:What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
1. For production quality and for matching the source material so faithfully it's got to be Heart of the Wild
2. For evoking the feel of a time and place Chaosium's Gaslight 3e book

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:30 am
by Yepesnopes
Rich H wrote:- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
Helllo! I am 37 and I have been playing role play games for 25 years.

- What RPG did you first start with?
I think my first rpg was Middle Earth Role Play based on the Rolemaster system, but I am not sure, it may be that may really first game was with the D&D red box.
Rich H wrote:- What kind of games have you played in the past?

I have played many, the ones I can remember the most are Ad&D (various settings), Stormbringer, Prince Valiant, Pendragon, Aquelarre (spanish rpg), Rune Quest, Call of Cthulhu, Paranoia, Car Wars, Twilight 2000, MechWarrior, Rolemaster, Marvel Superheroes TSR, Star Wars WEG edition, Warhammer Fantasy 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions.
Currently I am playing TOR and Star Wars Edge of the Empire, both are great games. Although, I favour more TOR, I have the impression is a rpg directed towards mature gamers and game masters, while SW EotE, while very good, still has a lot of components clearly focusing a much younger public.
Rich H wrote:- Have your preferences changed over the years?
Not really, but I like the new more narrative approach that rpg's are taking. Of course my way of playing and game mastering has changed. Initially I was very focused on PCs, their evolution, their growth in power... Now I focus more on the story and I don't mind changing PCs, or as a GM killing them :twisted:
Rich H wrote:- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
Definitively MERP for being the first long campaign I have ever played. RuneQuest for its deadly combat, it was the first rpg I ever game mastered and I remember the faces of the players on the table when during the first combat an arm from a PC was chopped :lol:
And Warhammer Fantasy 1st and 2nd editions, for its gritty atmosphere and for the amazing quality of the published adventures and the amount of fun we had over years of playing the Enemy Within.
Rich H wrote:- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
That is difficult, but I would say
Star Wars WEG
Warhammer Fantasy
Marvel Super Heroes TSR

I am more than sure that TOR will make it to this list, but it is still too young :)
Rich H wrote:- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
The Enemy within campaign of Warhammer Fantasy 1st
Tome of Salvation of Warhammer Fantasy 2nd
Dark Sun campaign setting for AD&D
Apple Lane from Rune Quest (because when your PC is killed by a crossbow wielding duck your live changes forever)
The Great Pendragon campaign

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:50 am
by Ferretz
Rich H wrote:We had a thread like this in the old C7 forum and it was nice to share gaming experiences and history with each other so I thought I'd create one for this forum.


- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?

- What RPG did you first start with?

- What kind of games have you played in the past?

- Have your preferences changed over the years?

- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?

- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?

- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
1. I'm 36, and I've been playing rpgs since I was 13. That makes about 23 years.

2. I started with the original Dungeons and Dragons. The first games I ran myself was Mechwarrior and Twilight 2000.

3. I've played too many games to list, having a bit of "RPG-ADHD". :) But apart from Dungeons and Dragons (which I now really dislike), I've been playing a lot of Conspiracy X (I've also written part of the original rules for that), Mechwarrior, Star Wars, Iron Kingdoms, Rogue Trader, Eclipse Phase, Savage Worlds, Mage, Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) and many more. And of course, The One Ring.

4. My preferences have changed greatly over the years. Setting and story, and character development is now much more important that "crunch and bonuses", even though I do not like rules light systems all that much.

5. RPGs that have a special place on my bookshelf are The One Ring, Eclipse Phase, Star Wars and Iron Kingdoms.

6. The current top five rpgs, in decending order: The One Ring, Star Wars (FFG version), Achtung! Cthulhu, Delta Green, Eclipse Phase.

7. Top five supplements? Darkening of Mirkwood, Heart of the Wild, The Great Pendragon Campaign, Transhuman (Eclipse Phase), The Path of Kane (from Solomon Kane). I usually like big, pre-made campaigns with a lot of elbow room for different groups.


Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:01 pm
by DavetheLost

- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming? 49, gaming since '77

- What RPG did you first start with?
- What kind of games have you played in the past?
RPG-to many to count, board games, miniatures,

- Have your preferences changed over the years? I don't like CCGs or random packed "collectible" games. I like less crunch and more narrative

- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
WEG Star Wars in college, Tunnels&Trolls gave me my first gaming author publication, Kult the best horror RPG I have ever played or run, Wispering Vault for sheer difference

- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
King Arthur Pendragon

- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
The Great Pendragon Campaign
WHFRPG The Enemy Within Campaign
D&D Suplement 2: Blackmoor

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:23 pm
by Bomilkar
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?

34 years old, have been gaming for 20 years.

- What RPG did you first start with?

MERP (the German edition)

- What kind of games have you played in the past?

Cyberpunk, Vampire (Modern and Medieval), Unknown Armies/Delta Green, Warhammer, some Indy stuff

- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?

I've had some of my most intense sessions with Unkown Armies and a group of gaming newbies.

- Have your preferences changed over the years?

The systems I've played have become less and less crunchy until they had become so simplistic that I had to revert course again. Nowadays my preference is systems that are not complicated but in some way carry the flavour of the 'source material' or make you think about how the world works (like Cold City, Burning Empires, or, of course, TOR). Darkening of Mirkwood made me also aware of how much I appreciate pre-made campaigns.

- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?

- Star Wars: Edge of Empire
- Cold City / Hot War
- Ron Edward's Sorcerer
- Burning Empires

What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?

- The Darkening of Mirkwood combined with Heart of the Wild (I consider both of them one supplement)
- Burning Sands: Jihad (fullfiling my dreams of a Dune RPG in a different way than I expected)
- Sorcerer and Sword (made me see Sword and Sorcery in a new light)
- Delta Green: Countdown (somewhat dated, but sooo full of pure goodness)
- Arnor (I loved reading about the Forgotten Kings and their lands so much that I was easily willing to forgive this supplement's thematic hick-ups)

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:31 pm
by Otaku-sempai
How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?

I'll be 54 this year; and my introduction to rpgs was in the USAF, about 30 years ago.

What RPG did you first start with?

AD&D. First Edition.

What kind of games have you played in the past?

Lots. AD&D (First and Second Editions); Traveler; Call of Cthulhu; Star Trek (FASA); Star Wars (West End); D&D (Third and 3.5); MERP; Champions; Rifts; Teenagers from Outer Space; Big Eyes, Small Mouths; D20 Modern; Hackmaster; etc.

Have your preferences changed over the years?

I like a mixture of low-level hack-and-slash and high-level intrigue.

What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?

AD&D 2nd Ed. is our current default game; the campaign world was created by the brothers of one of our players.

What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?

AD&D; Champions; Rifts; Star Wars (West End); The One Ring.

What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?

Forgotten Realms AD&D campaign setting; The Atlas of the DC Universe (West End Games); Cthulhu Now (Chaosium); The Heart of the Wild; Wizard (Role Aids).

Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:53 pm
by Shane
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
I'm 37, and I started gaming 25 years ago. When I say it like that, I feel old...
- What RPG did you first start with?
WEG Star Wars. Run by Richard Pollin in the school library. That one hour lunch break changed my hobby life, for sure.
- What kind of games have you played in the past?
Mainly RPGs and boardgames, but some CCGs and the odd LARP.
- Have your preferences changed over the years?
I used to favour rules heavy tactical systems, but I now have a healthy mix of storygames and traditional RPGs (leaning towards rules-light, with The One Ring being about as heavy as I go rules wise these days).
- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
Earthdawn was my first big full campaign as a GM. Still love the setting. Legend of the Five Rings is something I also really like. My favourite RPG is Shadowrun for the sheer great memories and wonderful setting, though the rules are a bit heavy for me these days.
- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
Obviously this changes over time and would have been different five or ten years ago, and will be in five or ten years time.

5th place: A Taste for Murder
4th place: The One Ring RPG
3rd place: The *World games (like Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, etc)
2nd place: Earthdawn
1st place: Shadowrun (3rd edition is my favourite)
- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
This is tough. In no particular order:

Ptolus City by the Spire (sooo detailed, so easy to involve players in)
Legend of the Five Rings City of Lies: Box (the gold standard of city settings for me)
Call of Cthulhu: Delta Green (this made CoC something I wanted to play)
WFRP: Enemy Within (the first published campaign that wowed me)
The Dark Sun Campaign Box 1st Edition (this made me realise D&D could be more than a dungeon bash)



Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:53 pm
by Lofar
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?

I'm 31 and have been gaming for about 20 years now.

- What RPG did you first start with?

MERP. Technically, my first session was with Das Schwarze Auge (The Dark Eye), but I only tried it out to see if I would like RPGs in general, since I'd seen a box of MERP in our local gaming store and really wanted to have it for Christmas.

- What kind of games have you played in the past?

MERP, Rolemaster, Decipher LOTR, TOR, Das Schwarze Auge, Myranor, Fading Suns, Song of Ice and Fire, plus a lot of try-outs. Also bought some Ars Magica books, but never actually got round to playing it.

- Have your preferences changed over the years?
Yes and no. I still love playing in a Middle-earth setting, but then I've been a hardcore Tolkien-fan since before my gaming days. But our style has changed with the systems: when we began, it was more about having fun, hack'n' slash and looting (though we always had 'proper' roleplaying aspects), whereas now we pay more attention to story and character development.

- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
We had some great times with MERP back at school. I wrote a longish campaign (The Heir of the Dwarves) for it, focused on the recovery of one of the 7 rings of the Dwarves, which ended in a proper epic battle.
At the moment, it's definitely TOR. Only had some few chances of playing it so far, but really REALLY hope I'll find a group in the city I'm moving to. Unfortunately, some of the players of my core group are not so keen on it, so we've been playing Song of Ice and Fire recently, and are going to migrate (back) to Fading Suns, with some SIFRP-inspired rules.

- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
TOR (I wish i could play it more often!!!)
Fading Suns (a real shame that the FS3 attempt was botched)
Song of Ice and Fire
Das Schwarze Auge (let's see what they do with the 5th edition)
MERP (for nostalgia's sake)

- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
Arnor (MERP)
The Darkening of Mirkwood (TOR)
Borbarad campaign: "Die Sieben Gezeichneten" (Das Schwarze Auge)
Palantir's Quest (MERP)
Erech and the Paths of the Dead