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Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:53 am
by Southron
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
I'm 45 and have been gaming for about 34 years now.
- What RPG did you first start with?
- What kind of games have you played in the past?
- Have your preferences changed over the years?
In the 80's, I wanted to mostly play a badass Elven Warrior. ( Paladin and Martial Artists were pretty high up there too)
In the 90's I became quite bored with the high magic dungeon crawls and started seeking more along the lines of Classic Swords and Sorcery but, everyone else was still big into high magic and dungeon crawls.
LOTR has been my favorite fantasy setting, but I never found anyone who shared my interest in playing it as an rpg until TOR. I am playing in 3 TOR PbP games and I am enjoying immensely. I believe the reason why is that I was introduced to LOTR as literary pleasure and the PbP is similar.
I have still would like to play in a classic S&S game, but in real time. The reason is probably the opposite of the LOTR as I came to S&S as a visual medium. The first Conan film, with Arnold, James Earl Jones, and Max Von Sydow blew me away. I have come close with a friend running a Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader Campaign( S&S in Space) and a homebrew Roman based dark fantasy game.
- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
Though I prefer Fantasy, the games that have been the closest to my heart have been a Star Frontiers campaign in the 80's, a FASA Star Trek campaign in the 90's, A Dark Heresy/Rogue trader game in the 00's. In the teens it's been the PbP TOR games I play in.
- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
Hard to say as I am torn between great experiences with my friends and games I would like to play but haven't
- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
Again, I haven't played in that many supplements so hard say, though I have read quite a few.
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:31 pm
by Mordagnir
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
I am thirty-eight. I started gaming twenty-six years ago.
- What RPG did you first start with?
My first RPG experience was with the D&D red box.
- What kind of games have you played in the past?
Most of my gaming experience is with RPGs; I can remember off-hand playing D&D, AD&D [1E, 2E, and 3E], Robotech, Rifts, BattleTech/MechWarrior, Shadowrun, 2300, Traveller (no idea what edition but it was in the 1990s), L5R, Rolemaster/MERP, Cyberpunk, Fading Suns, and RuneQuest. I very much enjoy wargames but tend to prefer ones that are time-intensive and complex. This makes it harder to find other players or convince my wife to try them. My favorites were Advanced Squad Leader and Star Fleet Battles though I still look wistfully at my beat-up boxes for Axis and Allies and Fortress America from time to time. These days, I play Carcassonne pretty frequently given that my wife loves it. Despite working for Wizards of the Coast for a few years in college, I never played Magic though I did pick up WotC's BattleTech CCG thanks to the employee discount and free promo materials.
- Have your preferences changed over the years?
Absolutely. High-fantasy stuff really turns me off these days. Beside TOR, the only gaming I've done in over ten years was a campaign I ran set in 13th century Germany (no magic, monsters and miracles rumored but never witnessed; for a rule set, I used Guardians of Order's A Game of Thrones d20 mod). The more magic in a game, the less likely I am to look at it these days. Also, if I detect a whiff of anti-Christian prejudice or anything I wouldn't want my children to see/read, I won't touch it.
- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
Dungeons and Dragons in all its permutations because it was the first and we played the heck out of it. BattleTech also evokes a lot of fond memories. Fun fact: my WotC experience was at their Seattle Game Center (long closed, unfortunately) where I worked in the BattleTech department. Rolemaster/MERP was special enough that when I talk to high school buddies, we still occasionally make references to Arms Law ("Ever seen mithril bend?" is synonymous amongst us for losing one's temper thanks to one of our number throwing two d10s into the bushes by my childhood home after a fumble).
- What are your all-time favorite campaigns?
In no order:
1) the campaign I ran set in medieval Germany; the focus was on politics and trying to survive and prosper in the midst of the war between imperial and papal forces in the Rhineland
2) an Oriental Adventures (AD&D 2E) campaign I ran set in Kozakura very heavy on politics and warfare
3) a 2E campaign I ran set in the Forgotten Realms' Damara prior to, during, and after its war with Vaasa; the campaign unfortunately ended just as we dove into the Bloodstone Pass modules because a bunch of us graduated (an ironic finish given that the two previous years had been spent preparing for the modules!)
4) a Rolemaster/MERP campaign I ran set in the First Age that began with Morgoth's theft of the Silmarils; I still chuckle at the memory of the players agonizing over whether to participate in the Kinslaying at Alqualondë
5) I played in a wonderful RuneQuest game set in northern Bactria circa 315BC; my character was an Epirote veteran of Alexander's army that never went home and I remember the party included a Zoroastrian priest from Persia and an Athenian who, like my character, had also fought for Alexander
* I should probably note that I rarely get to be a player. Pretty much if I want to game, I have to run it.
- What are your all-time favorite games that you never played?
I own a lot of King Arthur Pendragon stuff. Someday, I would love to play it. The same goes for the AD&D Birthright setting. I played 2300 a handful of times and still wish we'd played it more.
- What games will you play with your kids?
My kids have no idea at the moment (#1 is a year old, #2 is due in May, and only God knows how many more are to come), but I am already looking forward to gaming with them. As a minimum, they will play Carcasonne, Settlers, and TOR. If any seem properly inclined, I will also dig out my Advanced Squad Leader boxes.
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:39 pm
by Mordagnir
Mytholder wrote:- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
Karma (SLA Industries)
City of Lies (L5R)
Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu)
Robin's Laws.
I'm blanking on a fifth.
Delta Green definitely belongs on my list of games I'd like to play but haven't. It's an exception to most of my rules and inclinations about themes and content, but 1) having worked with several 3-letter agencies over the years; 2) having a buddy who did some of the artwork; and 3) having several acquaintances with conspiracy theory tendencies, the setting nevertheless appeals to me greatly.
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:43 pm
by Mim
Your table top 13th century would have been something I'd enjoyed. That's a great time period for a game.
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:01 pm
by sageryne
Hi all,
- How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
46 years old. I started gaming when I was about 12 years old (1979???).
- What RPG did you first start with?
Red box D&D basic.
- What kind of games have you played in the past? is a short list off the top of my head
AD&D 2nd ed
Gamma World
Top Secret
Star Frontiers
Traveller (classic black book, MegaTraveller, Traveller New Era, GURPS Traveller)
Twilight 2000
Traveller 2300
Star Wars (all of the many different incarnations)
Ars Magica
All Flesh Must Be Eaten (lots of different genres)
Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed
Warhammer Fantasy
FATE (Star Wars)
Serenity / Battlestar Galactica / Supernatural
A Game of Thrones
Savage Worlds (especially the Day After Ragnarok setting) / Weird Wars
The One Ring
- Have your preferences changed over the years?
As I have matured, I find myself less interested in the crunchy bits and rules and more interested in storytelling and being true to the world.
- What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
My longest and most favoured system/setting is Harn. After many years of playing, I started writing fanon, which led me to writing for Columbia Games for many years. I am now semi-retired from writing for Harn, but still follow it daily and help out with the writing team when asked.
- What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
1. Harn
2. Traveller (probably the MegaTraveller era)
3. Star Wars (West End Games d6)
4. Savage Worlds - Day After Ragnarok
5. The One Ring
- What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
Eeeeekkk.... how to pick?
1. Day After Ragnarok
2. HarnManor
3. Cities of Harn
4. Aftermath - Into the Ruins of the University
5. WOTC Star Wars - Galactic Campaign Guide
Honourable mentions:
- GDW - Classic Traveller - Trillion Credit Squadron
- GDW - MegaTraveller - Rebellion Era Sourcebook
- West End Games - Star Wars - Tramp Freighters
- West End Games - Star Wars - Pirates and Privateers
- Digest Group - Traveller - Starship Operator's Manual
- TSR - AD&D - Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
- TSR - AD& D - The Village of Hommlet
- GURPS - Reign of Steel
- Sageryne
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:55 am
by jamesrbrown
How old are you and how many years have you been gaming?
I am 41 and have been gaming for 31 years.
What RPG did you first start with?
I started playing D&D Basic (1st edition) with a friend. I think the first module I experienced was The Keep on the Borderlands. In 1983, I purchased the red box (Larry Elmore cover) for $10 and was hooked for the next five years until I was almost 16. I played with my brother mostly, and I was the Dungeon Master. We had a ton of fun.
What kind of games have you played in the past?
Besides playing the D&D Basic, Expert, and Companion sets, during those years I also picked up Star Frontiers (TSR), The Indiana Jones Adventure Game (TSR), Conan (TSR), Car Wars (Steve Jackson), and finally The Star Wars Roleplaying Game in 1987 (WEG). Star Wars WEG was pretty much the only rpg I played from 1988-2000 (besides a pro wrestling game I created myself). After Wizards of the Coast released the Star Wars d20, Invasion of Theed boxed set in 2000, I gained a whole new interest in roleplaying games. Since then, I have purchased many games, but the ones I have purchased and played are: King Arthur Pendragon: Book of Knights, Star Wars Revised Core Rules, Star Wars Saga Edition, Pirates of the Spanish Main (Savage Worlds), The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, Traveller (Mongoose), Smallville Roleplaying Game, Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition, Necessary Evil (Savage Worlds), Gamma World, The One Ring, and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (Fantasy Flight Games).
Have your preferences changed over the years?
Not really.
What RPGs are particularly memorable or do you hold close to your heart?
Of course, playing the D&D Basic, Expert, and Companion sets will always be memorable. Besides that, I certainly GM'd many great games of the Star Wars Revised Core Rules with an awesome group of students (and then on into Saga Edition).
What's your all time top 5 (RPG)?
5. Star Wars Revised Core Rulebook (WotC, 2002)
4. Pirates of the Spanish Main (PEG, 2006)
3. D&D (TSR, 1983)
2. Star Wars Saga Edition (WotC, 2007)
1. The One Ring (C7, 2011)
What's your all time top 5 (Supplement)?
5. Star Wars Saga Edition GM's Screen (WotC, 2008)
4. Lake-town Sourcebook & Loremaster's Screen (C7, 2012)
3. Words of the Wise (C7, 2012)
2. Star Wars: Galactic Campaign Guide (WotC, 2003)
1. Blade of Vengeance (TSR, 1984)
This was the best I could do today; it was hard! I may have forgotten something.
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:32 pm
by Mordagnir
jamesrbrown wrote:
What kind of games have you played in the past?
Besides playing the D&D Basic, Expert, and Companion sets, during those years I also picked up Star Frontiers (TSR), The Indiana Jones Adventure Game (TSR), Conan (TSR), Car Wars (Steve Jackson), and finally The Star Wars Roleplaying Game in 1987 (WEG). Star Wars WEG was pretty much the only rpg I played from 1988-2000 (besides a pro wrestling game I created myself). After Wizards of the Coast released the Star Wars d20, Invasion of Theed boxed set in 2000, I gained a whole new interest in roleplaying games. Since then, I have purchased many games, but the ones I have purchased and played are: King Arthur Pendragon: Book of Knights, Star Wars Revised Core Rules, Star Wars Saga Edition, Pirates of the Spanish Main (Savage Worlds), The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, Traveller (Mongoose), Smallville Roleplaying Game, Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition, Necessary Evil (Savage Worlds), Gamma World, The One Ring, and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (Fantasy Flight Games).
Pro wrestling game? Tell us more! So much potential there for levity!
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:26 pm
by jamesrbrown
Mordagnir wrote:Pro wrestling game? Tell us more! So much potential there for levity!
When I was a kid, my whole family loved watching professional wrestling on TV. My favorite wrestlers were Ric Flair, Jake the Snake Roberts, and The Road Warriors. I also liked to invent dice games. I started with a baseball game, but it wasn't long before I wanted to make a dice game for wrestling. I scratched out some rules and then typed them on an old type writer we had (I still have these documents; I think I was 12 when I made them). There have been a few revisions of my original rules. In fact, a few years ago, I created a bare-bones version of the game.
Here is the link:
Wrestling Roleplaying Game
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:39 pm
by Hermes Serpent
Actually Umlaut would make a good basis for a Pro Wrestling RPG.
Re: [Stuff About Us All] Being a Nosey Parker, Part II!
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:08 am
by Mordagnir
Well done in terms of fun match rules, though I was thinking too of all the pageantry, marketing, and acting. One of my grandfathers was a pro wrestler for a time. He had some choice remarks about that chapter of his life.