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Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:45 pm
by tomcat
I am not sure how much time Tom spends on this forum, but I will shoot him a text and let him know you have questions.

I can confirm that he did write the article before the Rivendell release.

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:15 pm
by Brooding Paladin
I'm probably not mechanically gifted enough to generate such an article, but I'd love to see an article on additional basic weapons. The effect of a mace on shields is mentioned in the core rule book but I didn't see stats for a mace. Others I'd like to see would include: warhammer, throwing axe, and pike. Perhaps even crossbow unless that crosses the line of the intended theme.

Congratulations on the first issue! I really enjoyed it and will be a regular subscriber!

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:26 pm
by Rich H
Brooding Paladin wrote:
Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:15 pm
I'm probably not mechanically gifted enough to generate such an article, but I'd love to see an article on additional basic weapons.
I use a load of additional weapons in my campaign, check out the following doc: ... s.pdf?dl=0

Also, the first post in this thread has many other rules and additional material documents/pdfs that I use for TOR: viewtopic.php?t=62

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:54 pm
by Brooding Paladin
That hits the spot, Rich. Thank you very kindly! I like the equipment list as well. Off to give this a full read!

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:25 pm
by Lifstan
Rich H wrote:
Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:30 am
Great content. None the worse for the lack of any artwork; I actually like it like that to be honest.
Same here. I like it like that too.

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:08 am
by tomcat
Halbarad wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:08 pm
The section on the Noldor is very good, but I'm a little confused as I thought that the High Elves of Rivendell filled that spot.

The background is well set out and is excellent for those who have not the time nor inclination to research the differences between the different Elf kindreds and I guess that these might make a nice alternative to the official ones.

Flame of the West is a very nice Cultural Blessing and would make an excellent alternative Cultural Virtue to add to the official ones.

A few questions for the author though.

I note that your Noldor have the standard stat array of 14 rather than the 17 of the official High Elves. Was this piece written before the release of the Rivendell book?

Likewise, you have opted to give your Noldor one less Weapon Skill than the High Elves of Rivendell.Was this too a conscious choice?

Finally, the Skill points total adds to 30 instead of the standard 29.

These are minor itches to be scratched though in what is a very nice piece.

Well done that man!
Hey Halbarad,

Tom saw your post, but he has no account here anymore. He emailed me the following:

The short answer to all of these questions is that this piece was written well before Rivendell came out or any of the information on the Epic classes. The skill points were based upon an article from the old C7 boards on building cultures and in an attempt to not involve power creep I attempted to use the same skill point as the other cultures, but to give them a little more umpf in the Virtues category.

The goal was to take what was published, but to expand it out to show how the history of the Eldar would change the way a character was built mechanically. I also took into consideration that the Elves of the Third Age had begun to fade by remaining in Middle-Earth and resisting the call of the Vala. Not only are their numbers dwindling, but even those who remained were finding their bodies and skills weaken as their spirits longed for the west. The later published game mechanic on Corruption was an awesome way to do that and was elegant and well done.

My chief motivation was to provide sufficient background on the cultures so players would get a sense and feel of the different cultures and better understand Tolkien's Elves from other games. The mechanics were a way to tie it into the game, as well as to represent those different cultures within the game system.

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:51 pm
by Yepesnopes
I guess one could use Tom version of Noldor elves to create a "young" Noldor, 200 yeards old or so, if this makes anysense canon wise.

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:00 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Yepesnopes wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:51 pm
I guess one could use Tom version of Noldor elves to create a "young" Noldor, 200 yeards old or so, if this makes anysense canon wise.
Maybe, though there are already Noldor in TOR in the form of the High Elves of Rivendell (Adventuring Age: 500- 1000). For a game set in an earlier Age, might an Adventuring Age of 200-1000 be appropriate?

Some High Elves of Gil-galad's folk might still dwell in the Grey Havens, but the High Elves formerly of Eregion are concentrated in Imladris (at least those who remain in Middle-earth.

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:34 am
by tomcat
Yepesnopes wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:51 pm
I guess one could use Tom version of Noldor elves to create a "young" Noldor, 200 years old or so, if this makes any sense canon wise.
Tom is currently playing a Noldor, in our DOM game, from the House of Caranthir. He is kind of a doomquest, fey type of character looking to either find his death, or find a reason to stay in Middle-earth. He still holds himself to the Oath and recklessly seeks out the Shadow.

The character is a cool concept. He doesn't want to use his lore skills due to the Rivendell rule for a Shadow if an EYE is rolled, which he plays as though the PC doesn't want to remember the past.

Here is the PC sheet if anyone wants to see a Noldor write-up.

Re: The Hall of Fire - issue 1 Released!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:29 am
by tomcat
Well the good news is we have some artists!

Content is starting to come in at a good pace. We have more about Elves, Lindon, the Shire and two mini-adventures, thus far!

I look forward to seeing more content and everyone has two months to get it to us. I am providing a link to the cover of Issue 2: ... l9jRUxNcUk

Issue release date will be the third week in December!