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Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:48 pm
by Rich H
Wbweather wrote:
Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:48 pm
I can only begin to imagine the work you put into that.
I try not to think about it! ... Just sourcing the 15/18mm miniatures was a massive undertaking in itself.

Although, I may look at the possibilities of building a double-size three dimensional board. I reckon it could be feasible with the right materials. :mrgreen:

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:23 am
by Otaku-sempai
Rich H wrote:
Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:39 pm
It's a boardgame; it makes it playable and the [Far Harad] fortification easily identifiable as such a strategic point. The tent camps I looked at as alternatives weren't any good, which is what I was initially trying to source.
I see! If you need a single strong point to represent the region or nation then that makes perfect sense. I guess that means you don't yet have a mini for Umbar?

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:00 am
by zedturtle
Rich H wrote:
Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:44 pm
That invitation still stands, Jacob. I'm hoping to get Jon playing this if/when he visits. :)
Understood. I'll get over there one of these days... I plan to try and hit one of the big UK conventions and then tour the country. But it's going to take a lot of planning to accomplish. One day.

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:50 am
by Rich H
Otaku-sempai wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:23 am
I see! If you need a single strong point to represent the region or nation then that makes perfect sense.
There are strongholds (these are the critical locations as they provide victory points) and fortifications (that give bonuses to battles for the defending force) within the game so the miniatures that a guy created are the strongholds and I've sourced fortifications from other places, just so players can see those areas that give bonuses when defending. I also painted miniatures for sites of interest (eg, the Argonath and Weathertop) as they are just cool landmarks.
Otaku-sempai wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:23 am
I guess that means you don't yet have a mini for Umbar?
No, Umbar is there (as a stronghold). It's a nicer mini than the Harad one I have, which was actually Dale but I wasn't keen on it for that purpose.

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:52 am
by Rich H
zedturtle wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:00 am
Understood. I'll get over there one of these days... I plan to try and hit one of the big UK conventions and then tour the country. But it's going to take a lot of planning to accomplish. One day.
Aye, one day. If we could organise some kind of big TOR get together then it would be worth my while to transport the stuff to a location as well. Will have to see what happens; who knows what the future holds.

I'll get the army pics uploaded tonight. Some of them are lovely - the detail in the banners for the Rohirrim and Gondor is quite amazing.

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:50 pm
by Francesco
That's simply amazing, Rich! You raised the bar as far as customisation goes...!

Very envious,


Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:11 pm
by Rich H
Francesco wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:50 pm
That's simply amazing, Rich! You raised the bar as far as customisation goes...!

Very envious,


Well, if ever there's some way of us all getting together and playing a game or three some place then it'd be really cool to do something.

One of the (if not the) best board games I've ever played so it *needed* me to do all this for it! :)

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:24 pm
by Rich H
Now for the armies and other forces...

The evil forces don't have 'leader' units, just regular and elite, whereas the good forces have regular, elite and leaders so bear that in mind.

Sauron (really like the red eye motif on the shields):


Southrons and Easterlings (for these I went with cavalry instead of elephants purely because the latter were impossible to find in a style and size that worked and I've also included the miniature ships of the Corsairs found within one of the expansions for the game - I've used the figures from the game itself but painted them better):



Saruman (the white hand on the Uruk shields are pretty cool and I've also included the Dunlending forces from one of the expansions but with new miniatures):



And the giant spiders of Mirkwood:


For siege weapons the evil forces use Siege Towers:


Forces of good next...

Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:35 pm
by Rich H
Remember, these have 'leader' units. The ones with the banners. This caused me a bit of an issue with regard to the elves and men of the 'north'. Such units represent different nations so I picked some heraldry that doesn't really have a strong basis in any of Tolkien's work but still felt okay. Rohan and Gondor were fine though.

Gondor (gorgeous heraldry on these):


Rohan (same for Rohan; the flags are awesome):


Men of the North (I was tempted to go with a 'wolf' motif in homage to the Starks of Westeros but thought that was going a little too far!):




Elves (slight disparity in the scale of the 'leader' units but elves we sooooo hard to source in this scale):


The Dead of Dunharrow:


Ent (not a great fan of these figures from the actual expansion but there were no better at a usuable scale):


Great Eagle (these were just repainted but are from the expansion box; quite like these):


Good forces use Trebuchets as siege weapons:


Think that's everything!


Re: [Who Fancies a Game?] My Custom War of the Ring Boardgame

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:39 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Rich H wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:24 pm
Southrons and Easterlings (for these I went with cavalry instead of elephants purely because the latter were impossible to find in a style and size that worked and I've also included the miniature ships of the Corsairs found within one of the expansions for the game - I've used the figures from the game itself but painted them better)
Yes, I can see how the oliphaunts could be a problem. I see a nice Games Workshop set for War Mumak of Harad, but the thing costs $99 (US) and I'm not sure of the scale.
