Does it make sense that some tinker's cart-horse can acquire an exceptional Quality such as Fearless, Fiery or Swift with a single successful Craft roll, while a mearh, the best of the best, requires twelve such successes? Is this broken? Somehow it seems to me that the procedure should be something like this: "The training of a mount is accomplished as a prolonged action using the Craft skill, requiring a number of successes equal to twelve minus the Status rating of the animal to be trained." This would reflect the superior quality and intelligence of horses of high Status.The training of a mount is accomplished as a prolonged action using the Craft skill, requiring a number of successes equal to twice the Status rating of the animal to be trained...
Frankly, the ancillary rule about a mount losing a learned Quality if it is injured and having to re-train the horse to restore that same Quality is one I am likely to ignore as just plain stupid.